VIDEO:Japanese Train Line Apologizes for ‘Inconvenience’ After Departing 20 Seconds Early

Japanese Train Line Apologizes for ‘Inconvenience’ After Departing 20 Seconds Early

By Jamie Ducharme November 16, 2017

A Tsukuba Express TX-1000 series train Bloomberg—Bloomberg via Getty Images

Japan’s notoriously reliable railway system was a little too efficient on Tuesday.

Officials from the Tsukuba Express line, which operates between the cities of Tokyo and Tsukuba, issued an apology after one of its trains left a whole 20 seconds early. According to the statement, the train pulled out of a station stop at 9:44:20, rather than 9:44:40, due to staff members failing to check the departure timetable.

“We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience,” the company’s statement reads. “Although there was no difference from the station timetable, the event occurred about 20 seconds earlier than scheduled.”

The company released its heartfelt apology despite the fact that it received no customer complaints over the scheduling snafu.



