으스스한 소련 과학자의 개머리 이식 실험 VIDEO: Chilling video shows Soviet scientists in 1928 attaching a dead dog's dismembered head to a machine and bringing it to life

Chilling video shows Soviet scientists in 1928 attaching a dead dog's dismembered head to a machine and bringing it to life

The film, released in 1941, was reportedly from the Soviet Film Agency

It was shown courtesy of the National Council of American-Soviet friendship

Machine circulates blood around the brain and restores basic motor functions

Using a similar technique experts revived a dog that had been clinically dead

1928년 소련 과학자들이 죽은 강아지의 머리에 기계를 연결해서 살리는 

소름돋는 영상 

이 영상은 1941년 공개됐다

기계는 개의 뇌부분에 피를 순환시키고 기본적인 동력 기능을 복구시켰다.

이와 유사한 기술을 사용해서 전문가들은 의학적으로 죽은 개를 살려냈다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Phoebe Weston For Mailonline

PUBLISHED: 11:26 GMT, 2 November 2017

A chilling video first released in the 1940s appears to show Soviet scientists attaching a dead dog's dismembered head to a machine and bringing it to life. 

Footage reportedly from the Soviet Film Agency shows several Soviet scientists attaching the head of a dog to a machine.

The machine appears to be able to circulate blood around the brain and restore basic motor functions to the head.

And later in the footage, the same scientists use the technique to revive a dog that had been clinically dead for at least ten minutes. 

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