파나마 메트로 3호선 7개 PQ 통과업체 선정 Metro de Panamá Announces Pre-Qualification Results for Line 3


Metro de Panamá Announces Pre-Qualification Results for Line 3


On 26 September 2017 Metro de Panamá announced that seven entities of the nine that participated in the MPSA 01-2016 pre-qualification process meet the requirements to participate in the international public tender for the construction of Metro Line 3, “Design engineering project, civil works, auxiliary installations of line and stations, supply and installation of the railway system which includes rolling stock (monorail) and commissioning of the system for Line 3″.



[파나마 메트로 3호선]

총연장 26.7km(Albrook~ Ciudad del Futuro),

14개 정거장 건설

설계, 토목공사, 정거장 건축공사, 기타 부대공사

모노레일 및 모노레일 설치 등


[한국업체 컨소시엄 참여 현황] 

HP조인트벤처 컨소시엄: 현대건설과 포스코

리네아3 컨소시엄:  SK건설


일 JICA이 입찰 주관

2016년 1월 일-파나마간 3호선 메트로 기술및 재정 지원 MOU체결

일본의 모노레일 형식 도입 및 토목공사


완공 시 자동차로 3시간 소요 → 45분으로 단축

edited by kcontents


The prequalified entities are:

1-China Railway Group Limited
2-HP Joint Venture Consortium: Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. – POSCO
3-ACPC Line 3 Consortium: Acciona Construcción SA and Power Construction Corporation of China Limited
4-Oriental Metro Línea 3 Consortium: China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd. and Beijing Urban Construction Group Co.
5-Línea 3 Consortium: FCC-CICSA-SKEGFCC Construcción, SA; CARSO Infraestructura y Construcción, A. de C.V.; SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd.
6-Astaldi SpA
7-Línea 3 Monorail Panamá Consortium: Obrascon Huarte Lain SA, Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia SA and Mota-Engil, Engenharia e Construcao SA (Mota-Engil Panama branch)

Following this last step in the pre-qualification process, Panama Metro will start the process of no objection to the bidding documents by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), to be managed in October 2017, and then start the international tender.

Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC) has the most knowledge of Panama City, having built Line 1 and presently building Line 2 together with Brazilian contractors Odebrecht and Construtora Norberto.

The Governments of Panama and Japan sealed the terms of technical and financial cooperation for the construction of the Metro de Panamá Line 3 in January 2016.

Japan and Panama Ink Metro de Panamá Line 3 Deal

The agreement was finalized with the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Vice Chancellor of Panama, Luis Miguel Hincarpié and the Japanese Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Hitoshi Kikawada.


In the Memorandum the two governments agreed to use Japanese monorail technology for Line 3, with the civil works component ruled by local regulations.

Line 3 will be 26.7 km long and stop at 14 stations, departing from Albrook and travelling via Arraiján and Nuevo Chorrillo to the Ciudad del Futuro in the West Sector:

 1-Albrook (interchange with Park & Ride facilities)
 3-Panamá Pacifico (interchange with Park & Ride facilities)
 4-Loma Cobá
 6-Arraiján Mall (interchange with Park & Ride facilities)
 8-Nuevo Chorillo
 10-Vista Alegre (interchange with Park & Ride facilities)
 11-Vista Alegre II
 12-Nuoevo Arraiján
 13-San Bernardino
 14-Ciudad del Futuro (interchange with Park & Ride facilities)

Japanese firm Nippon Koei LAC had previously conducted technical studies for this new line, which will transport commuters from the suburbs of Panama City to the city centre in 45 minutes, a trip that can currently take 3 hours by car because of traffic jams. The Nippon Koei Co. group of companies Tonichi Engineering Consultant Inc. and Nippon Koei Latin America-Caribbean Co. Ltd. is in charge of Project Management.

At peak hours the monorail will transport up to 20,000 passengers in one direction. Each monorail train will have 6 cars and the operation of the line will be divided into two services:

East Circuit: Albrook – Nuevo Chorrillo (17.5km)
 Complete Circuit: Albrook – Ciudad del Futuro (25.85km)

Alstom supplied the rolling stock for Line 1.

A nine line network with 90 stations is envisaged to be in service by 2040.

Writer: John Carlo Ottaviani






