중국 건설근로자, 세계 폴댄싱 패권 잡다 VIDEO: Former Construction Worker Wins Int'l Pole Dancing Contest

Former Construction Worker Wins Int'l Pole Dancing Contest 

중국의 건설근로자

세계 최고의 댄서로 우뚝 서다.

중국의 건축현장에서 일하던 근로자가 2017 프랑스 폴 댄싱 대회에서 우승했다.

쓰촨성 이빈시 출신의 22살의 순잉지라는 청년은 동영상을 통해서 알게된 폴댄싱을 

하기 전 6년을 건축현장에서 보냈다.

폴 댄싱을 보고 너무 감동한 나머지 자신의 숙소에 폴을 설치해놓고 동영상만 보며 

연습을 시작했다.

비정상적인 연습으로 인한 여러번의 부상에도 불구하고 완전한 폴댄싱을 깨우칠 때까지

피나는 연습을 했다.

6개월이 지나 폴댄서로서 첫 급여를 받으며 차츰 현지에서도 이름을 알리기 시작했다.

2013년에는 중국 폴댄싱 국가대표 예비멤버로 선정되면서 그의 노력의 댓가는 놀랄만큼

빠른 속도로 성장해갔다.

2014년에는 영국 런던 폴댄싱 대회에선 최우수연기상을 수상한데 이어 

올해 프랑스에서 열린  세계 폴댄싱 대회에서 드디어 감격의 첫 우승컵을 안고야 말았다.

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edited by kcontents

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

After years of working at building sites, a young go-getter from China swapped his tools for a pole and… beat the world’s best dancers at Pole Art France 2017!

Sun Ying Zhi, a 22-year-old guy from Yibin in Sichuan province, spent six years working as a construction worker before he discovered pole dancing for himself, while watching videos online. Sun was so impressed by what he saw, that he installed a pole in his dorm and started training by himself based on online videos. Despite injuries from his unconventional approach, he preserved knowing that practice makes perfect.

After about six months Sun received his first paid job as a pole dancer. He began to get involved in the local competition scene. In 2013 his efforts paid off, when Sun was selected to become a reserve member of the Chinese national pole dancing team.

"Pole dancing is not widely accepted in China as many people regard it as vulgar and pornographic," he told local media, adding that his parents were his biggest critics. "My father demanded I stop because he thought I was causing him to lose face," Sun explained.

Events turned to the good after he won the Best Performance prize at London's international competition in 2014 — this victory even helped him to melt his parents' hearts, and they finally accepted his career choice.  Sun soon raised enough money to open his own pole dancing academy in Guangzhou, hoping it will help to change attitudes among Chinese men.

On September 24, Sun Ying Zhi won the Pole Art France 2017 competition in the Elite Men Category, a top pole dancing contest held in Paris. You can check out his mesmerizing performance in the video below.




