'또다시 고개드는 지구 종말설' VIDEO: More than 20 'death stars' are heading towards our solar system...

More than 20 'death stars' are heading towards our solar system, and could cause devastating comet strikes that WIPE OUT life on Earth

Scientists have estimated that this won't happen for at least a million years

They calculated that 19 to 24 stars will come within 3.26 light years of the sun

They highlight an encounter of one star, dubbed Gliese 710, in 1.3 million years

Gliese 710 is 64 light-years away and on a collision course with our solar system 

Scientists say it could cause a shower of comets to switch course towards Earth 

20개의 죽음의 별이 태양계를 향해서 달려오고 있다.

이 죽음의 별들은 혜성 충돌을 야기시켜 지구를 쓸어버릴 수 있는 

대재앙을 불러올 수 있다.

과학자들은 앞으로 백년 이내에 발생할 것이라고 예측하고 있으며

19~24개의 별을 관찰했는데 태양에서 3.26광년 이내에 올 것으로 계산했다.

주목하고 있는 점은 Gliese 710이라고 이름 붙여진 별이 1백3십년 안에 

충돌할 것이라는 것이다.

Gliese 710는 64광년 떨어져 있으며 태양계와 충돌이 예상되고 있다.

과학자들은 지구 쪽으로오는 방향 전환을 위해 '혜성 소나기(shower of comets)를 

발생시켜야 한다고  주장하고 있다.


2년 만에 또다시 고개든 '지구 종말설'…가능성은?


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


PUBLISHED: 09:37 BST, 1 September 2017 

Within the next million years or so, between 19 and 24 'death stars' will come within 3.26 light years of the sun.

This is close enough to deflect comets away from there original paths and towards Earth - increasing the chance that one will wipe out life on our planet.

This is according to a new paper that has looked at how often stars stray into the Oort cloud - a spherical shell of billions of icy objects that exist in the outer reaches of our solar system.

A new paper that has looked at how often stars stray into the Oort cloud - a spherical shell of billions of icy objects 

that exist in the outer reaches of our solar system. This graphic shows how far the Oort cloud extends into our solar


A particularly close encounter of one star, dubbed Gliese 710, in 1.3 million years' time, stands out.

It is predicted to pass within just 2.3 trillion km or about 16,000 Earth–sun distances, well within the Oort Cloud. 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4843408/24-death-stars-heading-solar-system.html#ixzz4rVHOr8UA 



