강아지가 운전하는 캐터필러 불도저 VIDEO: Here’s a Dog Operating a Toy CAT Bulldozer Because Friday
경제문화 Economy, Culture/동물식물 Animal and Plant2017. 8. 26. 13:03
Here’s a Dog Operating a Toy CAT Bulldozer Because Friday
August 25, 2017 Shane Hedmond
via The Chive
edited by kcontents
배터리로 움직이는 캐러필러 불도저
아마존에서 구입할 수 있으며
가격은 270불(한화 약 30만원)
Look, it’s been a long week.
Sometimes we’ve all just got to look at a dog that’s wearing a safety vest and hard hat operating a CAT bulldozer. Of all the battery powered kids vehicles, this is legitimately the coolest one, by the way.
If you want to be the coolest parent of all-time, you can find a battery powered CAT bulldozer on Amazon for just under $270, as well.
Hope he didn’t come across any ruff terrain. Try the veal, folks.