7500개의 3D프린트용 유명 조각상 다운받기 Scans of 7,500 Famous Sculptures Available Online to Download and 3D Print
3D Scans of 7,500 Famous Sculptures Available Online to Download and 3D Print
By Kelly Richman-Abdou on August 9, 2017
‘The Bust of Nefertiti' by Thutmose (1340 BCE)
세계적으로 유명한 영국박물관은 몇주전에 온라인에서 이용할 있는
가장 인기있는 조제타 스톤의 3D 모델을 만들었다.
그러나이는 그동안 박물관에서 수행해온 수많은 디지털화 작업의 일환 중의
하나일 뿐이다.
이제 7500개의 3D프린트용 유명 조각상들을 다운로드하러 가자
A few weeks ago, the world-renowned British Museum made a 3D model of the Rosetta Stone—one of its most prized and popular artifacts—available online. This fascinating free resource is one of many in a wave of recent digitization projects carried out by museums and other contemporary cultural institutions aiming to make art accessible to all. Before the museum blessed the digital world with its multidimensional masterworks, however, My Mini Factory‘s Scan the World was wowing audiences with its own 3d models of culturally-significant objects.
Composed of nearly 8,000 models, the collection of 3D works spans a myriad of materials, mediums, and time periods. From a 1340 BC bust of Nefertiti made of limestone and stucco to Michelangelo's 14th-century Pieta carved from marble, the sculptures explored and presented by Scan the World creatively trace trends throughout art history. In addition to well-known works of art and artifacts, the project also presents 3D models of world-renowned landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty and even London's Big Ben.
To create each model, Scan the World first captures 50 images of an artwork or artifact. These images are then overlapped in a meticulous process called photogrammetry, which results in a single, sculptural representation of the original object. By employing “cost effective 3D scanning and printing technologies,” Scan the World hopes to present 3D printing to the public in an approachable and accessible way—one scan at a time.
Scan the World, a digitization project, offers free 3D models of 3D printed art.
My Mini Factory: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
h/t: [Open Culture]
All images via Scan the World.