"던커크(툉케르크)의 기적" 영화화 The 'miracle of Dunkirk' in colour: Amazing pictures emerge of British army's incredible escape from Hitler's troops as new blockbuster movie is released: VIDEO

The 'miracle of Dunkirk' in colour: Amazing pictures emerge of British army's incredible escape from Hitler's troops as new blockbuster movie is released

Images show a flotilla of British ships making their way across the Channel as part of the rescue attempt

Another picture sees a group of soldiers wading through the sea as they make their way towards a boat

Royston Leonard restored original black and white photographs of Operation Dynamo into colour versions

Evacuation of soldiers from Dunkirk in 1940 was one of the Second World War's largest military operations

"던커크(툉케르크)의 기적"

툉케르크는 프랑스의 해안도시이다.

1940년 영국군이 독일군의 공격으로부터 후퇴하는 이야기를 블록버스터급으로 영화화했다.

이 영화 속에는 구조 시도의 일환으로 영국해협을 건너는 영국민들의 배들의 모습도 보여준다.

또 바다를 헤치며 탈출하려고 아우성대는 군인들의 모습도 볼 수 있다

로이스튼 레오나드는 다이나모 작전(Operation Dynamo)의 원래의 흑백 사진들을 컬러로 복구했다.

1940년 던커크의 탈출 장면은 2차 세계대전 최대의 작전 중의 하나였다.

* 다이나모 작전(Operation Dynamo,1940. 5. 26. ∼6. 4)


9일간의 철수작전

맨몸으로 본국으로 귀환한 많은 병력들의 재무장은 미국의 지원으로 이루어졌으며,

이들의 철수를 위한 시간을 벌기 위해 외곽을 방어하던 수 만의 프랑스군은 독일군에 항복했고,

후에 독일 어용으로 몰락한 프랑스 군 지휘부의 결정에 따라 연합군과 전투까지 벌이기도 했었다는,

역사의 여러 곳에서 확인되는 '처량한 장면', 지도자들의 실패가 낳은 일반 국민들의 허무한 

삶과 죽음에 애도를 보냈다.

출처 http://blog.naver.com/h0800900/220658112428

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Mark Duell for MailOnline

PUBLISHED: 11:21 BST, 21 July 2017 | UPDATED: 14:38 BST, 21 July 2017

An astonishing series of colour photographs showing the dramatic evacuation of Dunkirk from Hitler's troops during the Second World War emerged today as the new blockbuster movie was released.

Images show a flotilla of British ships making their way across the Channel as part of the rescue attempt in 1940, while another sees a group of soldiers wading through the sea as they make their way towards a boat.

Royston Leonard, the man who restored the original black and white photographs into colour versions, said: 'I see a beaten army but not a defeated one. We went to war still stuck with ideas from World War One.

'We weren't ready for a modern fast-moving war like World War Two. At that time, we were not ready for modern war. But this just shows how by working together even defeat can become a victory.'

The evacuation of British soldiers from Dunkirk was one of the largest military operations of the war, with approximately 338,000 men rescued from the beaches during Operation Dynamo. 

The operation came after hundreds of thousands of British, French, Belgian and other Allied forces were trapped by the German army on the beaches of Dunkirk following a failed attempt to set up a base on mainland Europe. 

The failed attempt saw the Allied armies abandon huge amounts of equipment when they left the beach, including 2,472 guns, 63,879 vehicles, 20,548 motorcycles, 76,097 tons of ammunition and 416,940 tons of stores.

Most were recycled by the German army, who captured 40,000 French troops when Dunkirk eventually fell. And the historic events have recently been turned into a blockbuster film, which opens in cinemas across the UK today.

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