사용되지도 않은 27층 건물이 3초만에 폭삭 Watch a 27 Story Building That Was Never Used Be Demolished in China: VIDEO
Watch a 27 Story Building That Was Never Used Be Demolished in China
July 18, 2017 Shane Hedmond
via Youtube
최근 산시성의 시안시에 있는 116m 27층짜리 빌딩이 단 3초만에 철거됐다.
이상한 것은 1999년 완공이래 전혀 사용된 적이 없다는 것이었다.
뉴차이나 보도에 따르면 이 철거에 단 1.54톤의 폭약이 사용됐다고 하는데
놀라운 것은 19년동안 이 건물이 왜 사용되지 않았는지 아무도 모르고 있다는 것이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
Buildings are demolished all the time in order to make way for new construction. The buildings that are demolished have usually lived out their useful life and are no longer functional. Recently a demolition video resurfaced, shared by CCTV+, which shows a 27 story building in China being imploded. The strange thing is that, since it was finished in 1999, the building had never even been used.
According to New China, the 387 foot tall building in Xi’an, the capital of China’s Shaanxi Province, 1.54 tons (1.4 metric tonnes) of explosives were used to take down the building. No reason was given as to why the building was never used in 18 years.