한국업체, 이란에 소형 액체천연가스 플랜트 건설 South Korea to build LNG plants in Iran

South Korea to build LNG plants in Iran

[Ref.] source Financial Tribune

  한국업체들이 이란에 소형 액체천연가스(LNG) 플랜트를 건설한다.

건설공사는 내년부터 4년간 시행되며 발주처인 이란국영가스회사(NIGC)는 일 15톤 

생산에서 최대 300톤까지 증설 계획으로 있다.

우리나라의 참여업체는 플랜트회사인 오우셔너스와 한국생산기술연구원, 한국가스공사 등 이다.

이란에서도 이란국영가스회사(NIGC)와 테헤란대, 석유산업연구소 등이 참여한다,

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

by Rajiv Ravindran Pillai on Jun 28, 2017 

South Korea will build small-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants in Iran to meet energy needs in remote areas of the country.

The construction of the plant could begin within the next four years, Press TV reported.

Saeed Pakseresht, director for research and development affairs of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), said: “We do not have the technology to develop mini-LNG plants, but joining hands with companies like South Korea’s Oceanus and KOGAS is an important step to develop our LNG sector.”

Pakseresht said that the plants will have a production capacity of 15 tonnes per day that could increases to 300 tonnes per day at a later stage, according to Tradearabia.

The South Korean companies involved in the project are Oceanus, Kitech Institute of Industrial Technology, and Korea Gas Technology Company.

The Iranian firms involved are the NIGC, the LNG Institute of Tehran University, and the Research Institute of Petroleum Industry.



