순간 이동 튜브 등 미래의 환상적인 여행 도구들 EXCLUSIVE: From teleportation tubes to planes with panoramic windows: Interactive graphic reveals..: VIDEO

EXCLUSIVE: From teleportation tubes to planes with panoramic windows: Interactive graphic reveals how you could be travelling by 2050

Graphic lets users input their age to see how they might travel in future

Near-term options include autonomous cars and a self-driving monorail

An elevator to space and more entertaining planes could be on the cards in 2050

순간 이동 튜브에서부터 파노라마 창문이 달린 비행기까지

상호 대화식 그래픽은 2050년까지 미래의 여행을 어떻게 할 수 있을지를 보여준다.

또한 사용자는 미래에 어떻게 여행할지를 알기 위해 자신의 나이를 입력해야 한다.

최근의 옵션에는 자율주행차와 자동운전 모노레일이 포함되어 있으며

2050년에는 우주 엘리베이터와 더 많은 흥미로운 비행기들이 카드에 탑재될 예정이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


By Sarah Griffiths for MailOnline

PUBLISHED: 13:32 BST, 22 May 2017

From teleportation tubes to flying cars, getting from A to B looks like it will be more fun in the future, if science fiction films are to be believed.

And some of these futuristic visions are expected to become reality within our lifetimes.

To shed light on how we might get around in the year 2050, electronics firm RS Components has created an interactive module that showcases some of the most exciting predictions.

Users can input their current age to see in how many years they might be able to travel in a next-generation airliner with panoramic windows, or even take a high speed monorail to work – if all the jobs have not been taken by robots.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4530028/Interactive-graphic-shows-travel-tech-2050.html#ixzz4hpSKeSwW 



