맥주병으로 모래 대체재 재활용 Beer Company is Recycling Glass Bottles into a Sand Substitute for Construction Projects: VIDEO

Beer Company is Recycling Glass Bottles into a Sand Substitute for Construction Projects

March 31, 2017 Shane Hedmond

DB Export


  모래는 건설분야에서 가장 많이 사용되는 자재 중 하나다.

최근 한국에서도 남해 EEZ 바다모래 채취 제한으로 건설업계에 모래가 부족해

건설공사에 큰 곤란을 겪고 있다.

한국 뿐 아니라 세계적으로도 양질의 모래가 부족한 것은 공통적인 현상이다.

최근 뉴질랜드의 한 맥주 회사가 맥주병을 모래 대체재로 재활용하기 시작했다.

맥주병을 상표와 규진을 제거한 후 파쇄기에 넣으면 1병당 5초 만에 모래 200g이 


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

Maybe I’ve had my head in the sand for a while (forgive the pun right out of the gate), but I've recently found out that the world is suffering from a shortage of sand.  The New York Times reports that the increasing demand of sand from manufacturing and construction in combination with rising sea levels and human development of shores is reaching crisis levels.  Sand is used in plenty of construction activities, from mortar to concrete to brick and asphalt.  We use a LOT of it.  In fact, concrete production takes a whopping 80 percent of all the sand that is mined. So what can we do?  One company says the answer is to drink more beer.

DB Export, a New Zealand beer company, has built glass beer bottle crushing machines that they hope can help save the world’s sand reserves. The machine has a beer bottle specific shape that they say removes the label and the silica dust, while turning the glass into 200 grams of sand substitute in 5 seconds.

AdWeek reports that DB Export has already reached a deal with New Zealand’s largest producer of bagged concrete, DryMix.  That’s a pretty big deal.  More than 28 billion glass jars and bottles end up in landfills every year in America, according to Recycle Across America, so not only could this process help our industry, it could also greatly reduce the size of landfills.

DB Export isn’t alone in their quest to recycle bottles to be used in construction, either.  An American company, ByFusion, has developed a process to smash plastic bottles into non-structural building blocks that can be used in light duty applications.

Check out the video from DB Export below for some additional information:



