전세계 국가를 모두 여행한 여성이 추천하는 10개 나라 10 Must-See Destinations From the Woman Who Visited All 196 Countries
10 Must-See Destinations From the Woman Who Visited All 196 Countries
미국 국적의 여행가 '캐시 드 피콜(Cassie De Pecol)'
무려 196개국을 여행한 여인이다.
27세의 이 여성은 세계 최초로 전세계를 모두 여행한 기록을 가지고 있다고 한다.
여행 기간은 18개월 26일, 경비는 19만 8천불(스폰서 후원)
죽을 고비도 여러번 넘기며 온갖 분쟁지역을 갔지만 북한에 갔을 때 군인이
다가와 손을 꽉쥐는 악수를 하면서 "We're going to destroy you,America" 했다고 한다.
항간에는 전세계는 아닐 것이라는 주장도 제기되고 있다
어쨌거나 캐시 드 피콜이 추천하는 죽기 전에 꼭 가봐야 할 10개 나라를 소개한다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
By Jessica Stewart on March 6, 201
Then we last checked in on Cassie De Pecol, she was a little over a month away from completing her goal of visiting all 196 countries. And now that she’s become the youngest, fastest, and first American female to fully stamp her passport, De Pecol is continuing her mission of spreading peace.
She maintains the purpose of Expedition 196 through speaking engagements and seminars on how to develop travel or passion projects. Certainly, after completing her journey in just 18 months, she’s gained a wealth of knowledge to share. Already she’s spoken to over 16,000 students and dignitaries across 38 countries while on her voyage.
“This Expedition really wasn’t about me at all. My goal was to prove to you how kind and hospitable people all over the world are, but specifically in regions that many people consider to be dangerous,” she shares. “It is my hopes that, through traveling alone as a blonde, American woman, I’ve been able to respectfully introduce you to a completely different perspective of the world and it’s people; the safety, kindness, and the similarities of 99% of people around the world.”
With 196 countries to choose from, what are the “must sees” according to this globetrotter? De Pecol shares her top 10 countries around the world, some of which may surprise you.
10. USA
9. Costa Rica
8. Peru
7. Tunisia