쿠웨이트, 올해 인프라에 156억불 투자한다 Kuwait to spend $15.6bn on infrastructure

Kuwait to spend $15.6bn on infrastructure

source Ventures Onsite

  쿠웨이트는 2017~18년 회계년도에 인프라 프로젝트에 총 156억불을 투자할 계획으로 

있다고 현지 매체가 보도했다.

알 안바 아랍 신문에 따르면 이중 16.9%를 주택건설 교통부문 전기 항만 공항 통신 및 

신재생 에너지 분야 등 민간섹터에 투자할 예정으로 알려졌다.

정부관리에 따르면 정부 재정 투자 규모는 49.3%다.

33.8%가 국영석유부문에서 집행 계획이며  이중 16.9%는 PPP(민관) 프로그램의 

민간섹터로 시행된다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

by Jumana Abdel-Razzaq on Jan 24, 2017 

Kuwait plans to spend $15.6bn on infrastructure and projects in fiscal year 2017-2018, local media reported.

According to Arabic newspaper Al Anba, the private sector is expected to contribute 16.9% of the spend on projects across the housing, transport, electricity, ports, aviation, telecommunications and renewable energy sectors.

Dr Khaled Mahdi, the secretary general of the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development was quoted as saying that the government will contribute 49.3% of the investments.

Around 33.8% will be spent by the state-owned oil sector, while 16.9% will be spent by the private sector within a public-private partnership (PPP) programme, he said.

“The 2017-2018 Development Plan, which is part of the second Five-Year Plan, includes projects intended to diversify the income sources, develop the tourism sector and increase investment flows,” he added.



