세계 최초의 그림으로만 제작된 반고흐의 영화 World’s First Fully-Painted Feature Film Brings Van Gogh’s Paintings to Life: VIDEOS
World’s First Fully-Painted Feature Film Brings Van Gogh’s Paintings to Life
애니메이션 영화 '사랑하는 빈센트(Loving Vincent)'는 제작기간만 거의 6년이 소요됐다.
영화가 좀 과장돼 보인다면 어떻게 만들어졌는지 그 과정을 알 필요가 있다.
포스트 인상주의 화가 빈센트 반 고흐의 삶을 그린 이 영화는 생생함을 표현하기 위해
손으로 칠한 캔버스를 사용했으며 1초의 영상을 구현하기 위해 12개의 유화를 사용했다.
최근에 이 영화의 풀 트레일러가 공개됐다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
By Sara Barnes on January 23, 2017
The animated film Loving Vincent is one that’s nearly six years in the making. If that seems excessive, just wait until you find how it’s made. The movie, which examines the life of post-Impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh, uses hand-painted canvases to bring its action to life. It takes 12 oil paintings just to create one second of footage! Are you itching to see how it looks? You’re in luck. This ambitious—to say the least—endeavor has recently released its full trailer for us to marvel over.
Produced by the Oscar-winning studio BreakThru Films, the plot of Loving Vincent takes a deeper look into the iconic artist. It delves into both his relationships as well as the mysterious circumstances surrounding his violent death in 1890. The trailer and subsequent film tells this tale via the living paintings whose thick, expressive brush strokes move and change as the characters do. For fans of Van Gogh’s work, Loving Vincent is a stunning tribute to his iconic style and tragically short life.
The feature-length film includes 62,450 frames that were hand-painted by 115 oil painters. In addition, they integrate 94 of Van Gogh’s own paintings into the animations. The process to do this was meticulous. First, the scenes were captured as live action film, and then the oil paintings replicated each shot frame-by-frame. Although there is no release date for Loving Vincent, you can watch for updates on their Facebook page.
Loving Vincent is composed of 62,450 hand-painted frames. When in motion, they bring static artwork to life.
These are some of the characters in the film—it’s hard to believe they weren’t Van Gogh paintings all along.
The process is nothing short of incredible!
Here’s the film making in progress…
Loving Vincent: Website | Facebook | Instagram
h/t: [Colossal]