노르웨이의 ‘세계 최초의 바다에 뜨는 터널’ Norway Pioneers First Floating Underwater Tunnels: VIDEO
Norway Pioneers First Floating Underwater Tunnels
노르웨이 남쪽 항구도시 크리스티안산에서 북쪽 트론헤임까지의 거리는 1,094km인데 자동차를 타고 이동하면 무려 21시간이 걸린다. 피오르드를 건너야 하기 때문이다. 7번 페리를 타고 옮겨야 하는 게 상당히 불편하다.
노르웨이 당국이 ‘세계 최초의 바다에 뜨는 터널’을 검토하고 있다고 와이어드 등 해외 언론들이 보도했다.
1.2km 길이의 굽은 터널 구조물 두 개를 연결하고 수심 20~30m에 뜨도록 만든다는 게 아이디어의 핵심이다. 피오르드가 최고 1.6km 깊이여서 바닥에 터널을 만들기는 어렵다. 교량을 세운다면 춥고 거친 날씨 때문에 차량이 더욱 위험할 수 있다.
‘아르키메데스 다리’로 이름 붙여진 이 터널의 공사가 결정된다면 예산 규모는 250억 달러, 완공 시점은 2035년이 될 것이다. 출처 동아일보
Norway is known for its beautiful tall mountains, glaciers, and deep fjords. The problem is that the 1,190 fjords that run along the countries west side have always made it very difficult to travel around.
engineering careers Construction & infrastructure News Bridge Infrastructure Norway Ships TunnelView from Reinebringen at Lofoten Islands, located in Norway, during summer sunset.
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A drive from Trondheim in the north to the southern city of Kristiansand takes a painful 21 hours and requires seven ferry crossings. Norway hopes to cut this drive down to 11 hours by building large concrete tunnels to help travellers across the fjords.
However, these tunnels don’t just cut through the bedrock below the fjords. Two sections of a curved concrete tube over 4,000-foot-long would be submerged 66 feet below the surface of the Norwegian Sea and float.
These two tunnels could be put in place across the fjords between Trondheim in the north from Kristiansand in the south.
Norway’s Submerged Floating Bridges: In Detail
Wide gaps between these pontoons allow ships to pass through.
As they would hang between 65-100 feet below the water’s surface, ships should be able to pass easily through overhead and the wind and waves won’t affect them.
Their two 4,000 foot-long concrete tubes would be wide enough for two lanes – one for for emergencies and repair work and one for travel.
They would be suspended by pontoon-like support structures and connect with trusses to keep everything stable.
The structure would be bolted to the bedrock below to provide added stability.
If the project were to proceed it estimated to cost $25 billion and be completed by 2035.
Other options being considered are a 12,139-foot-long suspension bridge or combine an underwater tunnel and bridge.
The suspension bridge would be triple the length of San Francisco’s Golden Gate bridge and double the current world record for a bridge’s length. Each of its towers would stand at 1,476 feet tall — 492 feet higher than the Eiffel Tower.
A combined an underwater tunnel with a bridge would be reminiscent of the Øresund which connects the Swedish capital of Malmö and Danish capital of Copenhagen.