15개월 걸린 풍력발전 건설 영상, 단 4분만에 VIDEO: 15 months construction in four minutes

VIDEO: 15 months construction in four minutes

UNITED STATES: See how developer Xcel Energy installed the 200MW Courtenay wind project in North Dakota, completed in November 2016.

The 200MW Courtenay project in North Dakota took 15 months to construct

  건설에 15개월이 소요된 미 북부 다코타의 200MW 코트네이 

풍력발전 프로젝트를 단 4분짜리 타임랩스로 구성했다.

10 January 2017 by David Weston , Be the first to comment

The developer released a time-lapse video of the whole construction process, from preparation of foundations, cable laying and turbine installation. 

The process shows, from rare perspectives, the complicated logistics that go in to installing a wind project.

Xcel Energy's 200MW Courtenay project, acquired in April 2015, comprises 100 Vestas V100-2MW turbines across the 101 square kilometre site. It took 15 months to construct, Xcel said. 



