[데일리인글리쉬] 추천 영작 -" 내가 가장 사랑하는 아빠"

내가 세상에서 가장 사랑하고 존경하는 사람은 우리아빠다. 

I love and respect my dad more than anything in the whole world.

출처 Picsquare.com

edited by kcontents

그는 나를 너무 사랑하셨고, 나는 많이 의지하면서 살았다. 작년에 갑자기 세상을 떠나셨다. 

He loved me very much and I lived by depending on him all through my life, 

but he unexpectedly passed away last year. 

병원에서 암판정을 받고 2달후에 돌아가셨다. 

His life was cut short by cancer two months after the medical diagnosis. 

2달동안 난 아빠와 함께 병원에서 지냈다. 

I spent the two months with in the hospital.

아빠는 움직일 수가 없어서 내가 매일 씻겨드리고 마사지도 해주고 돌아가시는 날까지 곁에 있었다. 

Because he can't move himself freely, I  washed and massaged him, and stayed with him till he died,

나는 다시 일어나시길 매일 기도했지만 결국 우리곁을 떠나셨다. 

I prayed daily for his recovery, but he left us behind after all.

난 너무나 충격을 받았고 너무 슬펐다. 아무것도 할 수가 없었다. 

I was so crushed and sad that I couldn't do anything.

여기온 이후 지금도 가장 보고싶은 사람은 아빠다. 

Even after I came here, I still miss my dad more than anyone.

아직도 길거리에서 아빠와 나이가 비슷하신 분만 봐도 눈물이난다.

Whenever I see someone looking like my dad, tears come easily  to my eyes.

아빠를 잃은 슬픔을 

아빠처럼 다정한 사람이 되어 다른이에게도 사랑을 나누는 분이 되는걸로 승화하시면

돌아가신 아빠도 기뻐하실겁니다

(저는 아빠를 어렸을 때 잃어서 아빠의 사랑을 오래 받지도 못했습니다)

여기 아빠를 잃고 그리워하는 다른 사람의 글도 올려봅니다

I Miss My Dad

Dear Dad,

Words/ feelings will never bring you back. The truth you are gone the reality I still lack. I miss you more than anything in the world. You were always there for me and loved me so much, I always loved you so much too. Sometimes I miss you so much I get extremely depressed and cry so hard not knowing what else to do. Of course this is normal. You will never be gone to me- you are always in my heart and will always be the most special loving, giving caring father always. Some times I want to join you but I want to be strong and make you proud these days. I love you with all my heart and soul - you are my best friend and dad. I don't know why I have dreams of you that are so bad. I suspect one's dreams can be the very worst fear they might have. My worst fear is/was losing you. You always was so loving and caring and would do anything for me. I have so many regrets and I'm so sorry dad can't you see? I didn't EVER have any intentions of hurting you for I was young. I made mistakes and did wrong. For which I appreciate you and love you so much for all you have done. I never thought so much hurt, love and regret would ever stick with someone. I can't wait to be with you. You are the inspiration, motive to me to continue on to be strong and continue and love people or one and succeed. I am the luckiest person in this entire world to have you - in my heart and that is all I will ever need. I'm mature now and well balanced enough to some how go on. I miss so much the fun times we shared, not only being together just every moment I spent with you I remember and I will never ever forget anything we have shared. Our love for one another, garage, yard sales, antique car shows we appreciated so much and cared. Dad you are so much always with me in my heart and soul - you know it. I held your hand and said it was ok. I was strong then and didn't want to see you suffer anymore. You were in alot of pain and so weak and beyond sore. God was ready for you then, the love in heaven with no more pain and sickness. I was happy to not have to see you go through anymore pain. Although at the time I felt insane. Loosing you was the hardest thing to ever do. Just always remember I love you with all of my heart and you are always with me - I can't wait to see you dad. So many Happy Father's Day's to you - you are/have always beent the best dad to me in the world and have effected me entirely dad and I more the sincerely will always love you too. Bless you dad. I love you/miss you so so much. Love always your daughter, Michelle =) 

다음지식 영어취미(sirhenry)님의 글


