지구 대기의 움직이는 온실가스 3D 시뮬레이션 Stunning new 3D simulation of carbon moving through the planet's atmosphere: VIDEO
산업과학 Construction,Science/환경안전 Environment,Safety2016. 12. 15. 01:21
Stunning new 3D simulation of carbon moving through the planet's atmosphere
- Visualization shows how CO2 increased and decreased from Sept 2014-2015
- It also reveals how the greenhouse gas traveled throughout the world
- The data could help scientists to understand the areas that drive absorption
A hypnotic new 3D visualization reveals the swirling patterns of carbon dioxide as it travels around the world.
The simulation revealed today by NASA shows how concentrations of the greenhouse gas fluctuated between September 2014 and September 2015.
The data could help scientists to answer critical questions on where these emissions are absorbed by the land and ocean, and how these areas will continue to carry out this role as CO2 rises.
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