두바이 공항에 버려진 럭셔리 차량들 23 High Performance Cars Left Abandoned at the Dubai Airport: VIDEO

23 High Performance Cars Left Abandoned at the Dubai Airport

UAE 두바이 공항에 버려진 초고급 럭셔리 차량들

현재 두바이에는 수천대의 주인없는 고급 차량들이 길거리에서 뒹굴고 있다고

When’s the last time you forgot where your $250,000 luxury sports car was parked? Happens all the time, right? Well, apparently it does happen all the time in Dubai. There are literally thousands of abandoned high performance sports cars left abandoned to the elements in Dubai.

If you visit the airport parking lot in Dubai, you might think your eyes are playing tricks on you…

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