미 첫 해상풍력발전시설 가동 시작 America's first offshore wind farm to begin production within days

America's first offshore wind farm to begin production within days (but one of its five giant turbines has ALREADY broken down)

  • Deepwater Wind, which owns the five-turbine farm off Block Island, Rhode Island, says one turbine is not turning. 

    The $300m wind farm will power about 17,000 homes when at full power.

  • Five-turbine farm off Rhode Island will launch with just four turbines
  • $300m wind farm will power about 17,000 homes when at full power

  미 로드아일랜드주에 건설된 5개 해상 풍력발전시설 중 4개가 수일내에 가동될 예정이다.

유럽과 달리 미국에서는 첫 해상 풍력발전 설비로
이 3억불 짜리 시설은 풀 가동시 1만7천가구에 전기를 공급할 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor


There has been a hiccup at the nation's first offshore wind farm as it prepares to start delivering power.

Deepwater Wind, which owns the five-turbine farm off Block Island, Rhode Island, says one turbine is not turning.

But spokeswoman Meaghan Wims said Friday that will not delay the start-up and the other turbines will begin delivering power for the grid within days.


The 30 megawatt, 5 turbine Block Island Wind Farm is scheduled to be online in 2016. 

Its makers say itwill not only supply most of Block Island's power, but also reduce air pollution across southern New England for years to come.

The company built the wind farm to power about 17,000 homes. 

The project costs about $300 million, according to the company.

'We're truly proud of the wind farm's performance to date and to have completed a successful test phase,' Deepwater Wind CEO Jeffrey Grybowski said in a statement.

'The wind farm's performance has been exceptional, even in some of the harshest weather conditions offshore.'

Wims said that since the four months of testing is complete, commercial operations can begin soon. 


She said the turbine's generator was damaged by a drill bit left inside, which was discovered during recent tests. 

She said it will be repaired and working 'in the near term.'

The damage was first reported by ecoRI News.

Deepwater Wind planned to open the wind farm last month, but said it was still finalizing approvals.

Wims said it's not unusual to take a turbine offline, and that one or more turbines will be turned off during maintenance and repairs from time to time, while others are operating.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3994918/1st-US-offshore-wind-farm-begin-production-days.html#ixzz4RqF0VOpO 

