건설기술의 실패(1) Engineering Disasters Documentary 1: VIDEO

  건설에서 왕도라는 말은 '금기어'다.

온전한 건설 구조물을 완성하기 위해서는 정해진 절차를 

하나도 빠짐없이 확실히 이행해야 한다. 

다만 절차간의 간격을 조금씩 줄일 뿐이다.

Shortcuts in engineering design can lead to engineering disasters. Engineering is the science and technology used to meet the needs and demands of society.[1] These demands include buildings, aircraft, vessels, and computer software. In order to meet society’s demands, the creation of newer technology and infrastructure must be met efficiently and cost-effectively. To accomplish this, managers and engineers have to have a mutual approach to the specified demand at hand. This can lead to shortcuts in engineering design to reduce costs of construction and fabrication. Occasionally, these shortcuts can lead to unexpected design failures.


