이란 원전 건설 서두른다 Iran: Construction on nuclear plants to be sped up
Iran: Construction on nuclear plants to be sped up
Ali Akbar Salehi, Vice President of Iran and head of Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI). Pic courtesy: IRNA.
source Islamic Invitation Turkey
New nuclear power projects in Bushehr
source fas.org
edited by kcontents
이란 알리 아크바르 살레히 이란 부통령이자 원자력청장은 부셰르 지역에 2개의 새로운 원자력발전소를 건립하는 계획을 서두를 것이라고 밝혔다.
이란 중앙은행도 2주내에 첫 예산을 배정할 계획이다.
10월 10일 착수된 이번 원자력발전소 건설에는 총 96달러의 공사비가 투입되며 향후 10년 이내에 모든 공사를 완료할 예정이다.
살레히 청장은 원전 2곳이 건설되면 이란은 연간 2천200만 배럴의 원유를 절약하게 될 것이라고 강조했다.
2기의 원전 건설에는 러시아와 이미 발전소 건설 계약을 체결한 바 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
by Jochebed Menon on Nov 20, 2016
Iran is going to ramp-up construction work on two of its new nuclear power projects in Bushehr.
Ali Akbar Salehi, Vice President of Iran and head of Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) said that construction of two new nuclear power plants in Bushehr will be sped up.
The Iranian Central Bank is going to allocate the first installment of the budget in two weeks, he added.
Talking to local media, he said the project will take a decade to complete, according to Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).
Salehi also stated that a total of $9.6bn (IRN300,000bn) will be spent on construction.
He noted that the first power plant in Bushehr has been operating for years now, adding that contracts have already been signed upon the government’s approval to build two new ones.
Salehi further said that his organisation is building two other projects namely the nuclear emergency unit and a hospital for heart diseases.
Salehi said the prospect of life is bright for the country in years after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with the public being able to feel the tangible results of the deal.
Pointing out that Iran’s oil production level has reached the same level of the pre-sanctions years which stood at 2.5 million barrels per day, the AEOI chief said this in itself indicated the new openings in the country.
Construction operation for the second and third units of Bushehr nuclear power plant kicked off on 10 September 2016.
Salehi added that construction of the two new power plants would help save oil resources of the country to about 22 million barrels of crude oil and prevention of 14 million tonnes pollution in the environment.
He also said that necessary planning for construction of water desalination plant with capacity of 200,000 cubic metres a day has been done in cooperation with the energy ministry.