팔순 나이에도 당당히 패션 모델로 나서다 80-Year-Old Grandpa Rocks His Runway Debut to Prove Age Is Just a Number: VIDEO
80-Year-Old Grandpa Rocks His Runway Debut to Prove Age Is Just a Number
나이는 숫자에 불과하다
80세의 나이의 중국의 한 할아버지가 패션쇼에 올랐다.
왕 데슌(Wang Deshun, 80)이라는 이 할아버지는 24세부터 영화배우로 활동을 해왔다.
50세가 훌쩍 넘은 나이에도 체계적인 자기 몸 관리를 해왔으며 자신의 한계를 뛰어넘고 싶었다.
최근 베이징에서 열린 패션쇼에서 패션 모델로 당당히 무대에 올라 캣워크를 선보여 많은 관객들의
관심을 한몸에 받았다.
그는 “흔히들 50대라면 이미 늦었다고 생각하고 쉽게 포기하지만
“성공을 보장하고 목표를 성취하는 것은 자신의 몫”이라고 힘주어 말했다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
By Sara Barnes November 4, 2016
You’re never too old to try something new—even if it’s as bold as strutting your stuff down a fashion runway. An 80-year-old grandfather named Wang Deshun is proving that designers should look to the older population when it comes to modeling clothes. Last year, the actor and artist rocked some seriously stylish attire during China Fashion Week, looking at home among the crowd.
As he grew older, Deshun sought to defy the aging process by staying fit—he works out for three hours a day—and keep his mind sharp by trying new things. According to The New York Times, he’s a creative type and worked in radio, film, and theater when he was younger. In addition, Deshun taught runway modeling and organized shows, but only recently made his runway debut.
The fashion show was a tipping point for Deshun and thrust him into the national spotlight. He’s now referred to as China’s “hottest grandpa” and inspires others to always live their dreams. “It’s about your state of mind. It’s not about age,” he explained. “Nature determines age, but you determine your state of mind.” Heeding his own advice, he already has his next adventure in mind—parachuting.
See Deshun’s infectious spirit in a short video, below.
via [The Huffington Post]