기존 아파트 개념을 탈피한 오슬로 아파트 디자인 Sørenga 3 Apartment Building in Oslo

Sørenga 3 Apartment Building in Oslo

Norwegian Housing Development – design by Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Architects

Design: Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Architects, 4B Arkitekter AS and Context AS

Location: Sørenga, Bjørvika, Oslo, Norway


image : Nils Petter Dale

노르웨이 오슬로 'Sorenga 프로젝트'

Bjørvika 지역 개발의 일부분으로 뉴 노르웨이지언 오페라 프로젝트와 

더불어 오슬로항에 8단지 900세대 아파트를 건립하는 프로젝트의 일부이다.

주관사 LPO Architects는 900세대를 8개의 단지로 나누었으며 

4개의 건축회사가 서로 다른 컨셉으로 디자인하도록 계획됐다.

'Sorenga 프로젝트'는 JVA가 설계했으며 발코니를 엇갈리게 배치하는 등 

기존 획일적인 아파트 개념에서 탈피한 디자인 컨셉으로 평가받고 있다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

4 Nov 2016

The Sørenga project is part of an 8 block / 900 unit development named Sørenga in the harbor area of Oslo. Sørenga consists of its own peninsula, and is part of the large Bjørvika development, that also includes the New Norwegian Opera building.

Soerenga 3 Soerenga 3
images : Nils Petter Dale

The site was used for harbor activities which is now relocated. A master plan by LPO Architects calls for 900 units divided into 8 blocks. Four different groups of architects have been chosen to design the individual blocks.

Soerenga 3
image : Nils Petter Dale

Block 3 is located at the east side of the peninsula, is about 14.500 m2 and includes 127 apartments, a kindergarden, a small commercial space and parking areas. The set-back rules of the zoning have been utilized to make a terraced and highly sculpted volumetric composition, providing for optimized sun and view conditions for all the apartments. The entire roof area is used as terraces.

Soerenga 3 Soerenga 3
image : Nils Petter Dale

The building has a perimeter block structure with a distinct outside and inside. The kindergarden is expressed as a volume on its own.

Soerenga 3 Soerenga 3
images : Left: Nils Petter Dale – Right: Knut Bry

The collaborating architectural teams chose to use a common main material for the facades of the whole development; a dark brick with an almost bluish character, with shiny surface reflecting the shifting light conditions of the site. The courtyard side of block 3 is clad in aluminum with frosted glass railings.

Soerenga 3

Soerenga 3 Soerenga 3
images : Knut Bry

Sørenga 3 Apartment Building – Building Information

Location: Sørenga, Bjørvika, Oslo, Norway
Building type: Housing and kindergarden
Client: Sørenga Utvikling AS
Size: 127 apartments / kindergarten / approx. 14.500 m2 incl. parking etc.
Schedule: Completed 2012
Primary architects: Einar Jarmund, Håkon Vigsnæs, Alessandra Kosberg, Anders Granli, Kazuhiko Yamada, Claes Cho Heske Ekornås, Jeanette Alvestad
Collaborating architects: 4B Arkitekter AS, Context AS

Soerenga 3
image : Nils Petter Dale
Photography: Nils Petter Dale/ nispe@datho.no and Knut Bry

Sørenga 3 Apartment Building in Oslo Building images / information received 041116

JVA on e-architect


