두바이 운하 통수 Official: Water released into Dubai Water Canal; VIDEO


공사비 5억4천만불 투입

   두바이 교통청(RTA)은 사막 한가운데를 흐르는 두바이 운하가 지난 월요일 통수됐다고 밝혔다.

source FlashyDubai.com

최대 6m 깊이로 "RTA는 다음 몇주간 수면이 상승할 것"이라고 현지 걸프뉴스가 보도했다.

3.2km에 달하는 두바이 운하 공사에는 총 5억4천만불이 소요됐으며 구간은 비지니스 베이에서 


하천이 드문 중동지역에서 운하의 개통은 매우  큰 의미를 지니고 있다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Official: Water released into Dubai Water Canal


by Jumana Abdel-Razzaq on Oct 24, 2016 

Dubai Water Canal was flooded on Monday, 24 October as the project reaches its final stages, Dubai Media Office announced.

Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) confirmed that the canal was flooded on Monday afternoon, and that it will be 6m deep once full.

Dubai Media Office also released a statement on its official Twitter page.

"Water released in Dubai Canal .. Significant development in the massive project," it said.

An official told Gulf News that the water level will slowly rise over the next few weeks.

Construction on the $544m (AED2bn) project included the drilling of the 3.2km-long canal from Business Bay to the Arabian Gulf, building quay walls, and constructing three pedestrian bridges linking the two sides of the canal.



