2016 Energy Trilemma Index: Benchmarking the sustainability of national energy systems

2016 Energy Trilemma Index: Benchmarking the sustainability of national energy systems

Energy sustainability, which lies at the heart of the World Energy Council’s mission, requires robust and reliable ways for policymakers to effectively assess the sustainability of their country’s energy sector, benchmark progress, and compare their country’s energy sustainability performance with that of others.

The Energy Trilemma Index, produced in partnership with global management consultancy Oliver Wyman, along with the Global Risk Centre of its parent Marsh & McLennan Companies, provides policymakers with a tool for doing so. It comparatively ranks 125 countries’ energy performance in order of how well they address the Council’s widely-used definition of energy sustainability, which is based on three core dimensions: energy security, energy equity, and environmental sustainability. Each country is given an index ranking as well as a letter grade denoting its performance in the in

Detailed country profiles as well as regional analyses allow policymakers and energy leaders quick access to the most crucial information while at the same time offering the possibility of engaging in more in-depth comparison with regional or economic peers. To enhance the utility of the report even further, the 2016 Index is accompanied by the launch of its interactive online tool. The tool includes country and regional overviews, maps and a pathway calculator which allows users to manipulate selected key energy indicators to explore how their country’s index ranking could evolve.

The 2016 Index, especially if considered in conjunction with its companion report, the 2016 World Energy Trilemma,, which identifies five key focus areas to drive progress on the Trilemma, can support the necessary timely action to move towards sustainability.

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