코마쓰 , 운전석이 완전히 배제된 자율주행 운반 트럭 공개 Komatsu Unveils New Cab-less Self Driving Haulage Vehicle at MINExpo:VIDEO
Komatsu Unveils New Cab-less Self Driving Haulage Vehicle at MINExpo
세계 2위의 건설 중장비업체인 코마쓰가 완전한 자율주행 운반차량을 MINExpo에 선보였다.
요즘 출시되는 자율 주행 차량에는 아직도 운전석과 운전대가 그대로 달려있다.
자율주행 로봇을 완전히 믿지 못하는 것이다.
코마쓰는 이번주 26일부터 28일까지 미국 라스베이거스에서 열리는 MINExpo박람회에서
운전석이 완전히 배제된 완전한 자율주행운반차량을 공개했다.
글자 그대로 운반로봇인 것이다.
사람 통제없이도 똑같은 차량 성능을 유지하고 있으며 차량의 중량은 458톤에 적재량은
253톤에 달한다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
Even though self-driving vehicles are just that, self-driving, they’ve always still had a seat for a driver and a steering wheel.
Perhaps that means that designers were afraid that their technology wouldn’t work correctly. Or maybe, customers weren’t fully committed to only being able to use them as a self-driving vehicle. Well, it seems as if Komatsu isn’t worried about either of those things anymore, as they’ve officially unveiled their newest autonomous (self-driving) haulage vehicle this week at MINExpo, which was held in Las Vegas from September 26-28, 2016.
Komatsu has been producing autonomous vehicles for the mining industry since 2008, way before we started seeing Google and Tesla’s autonomous cars hit roads. Since that time, Komatsu says, over 1 billion tons of overburden and minerals have been hauled away by their trucks. The new Komatsu self-driving haul truck will be their first without a cab for a human driver or operator. Without the cab, the truck will be equally balanced while it’s loaded and unloaded. Weighing in at 458 tons (416 metric tons), the gigantic machine has a payload of 253 tons (230 metric tons).
Komatsu will be releasing the new vehicle for purchase “in the near future,” according to a press release, but they’ve released a computer generated video of their new concept, which you can watch below.