프랑스 파리의 차 없는 날 Paris Will Ban Cars for a Full Day in September to Allow People to Freely Roam the City's Streets
Paris Will Ban Cars for a Full Day in September to Allow People to Freely Roam the City's Streets
By Leah Pellegrini September 1, 2016
"Journée Sans Voiture"
프랑스어로 차없는 거리라는 뜻이다.
프랑스 파리의 차 없는 거리 연례 행사.
이번이 두번째로
9월 25일 일요일 11시부터 6시까지 차 통행이 일체 금지된다.
파리의 20개 지역 주민들이 참여하며 자전거 스케이트 보드 등을 자유롭게 즐길 수 있다.
NGO 단체인 'Paris Sans Voiture - Collectif Citoyen'에 의해서 작년 처음 시작된 이래
이 행사의 참여 인원은 무려 5배나 증가했다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
Imagine slowly meandering straight through the boulevards of Paris, surveying the historic architectural sites with a baguette under one arm as fellow pedestrians and bikers breeze quietly by. On Sunday, September 25th from 11am-6pm, that fantasy might become a reality: the second annual Journée Sans Voiture, or Car Free Day, will open the city’s streets to bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, and foot traffic while forbidding motorized vehicles, allowing both locals and tourists to wander freely.
The event’s dominion has been multiplied by five since last year’s launch by non-governmental organization Paris Sans Voiture - Collectif Citoyen, now spanning 648.15 kilometers, which equate to 45% of the metropolis. Nearly each one of the city’s 20 neighborhoods will be partially included. With the enforcement of police and 100 municipal staff members, major roads will be rendered exempt of exhaust fumes, honking, traffic jams, and all of the other hindrances caused by the typical crowding of cars.
The Conventions and Visitors Bureau explains the benefits of the initiative: “People from the Paris region and visitors will be able to enjoy a peaceful and breathable city…This day will be an opportunity to discover or rediscover our capital in a different way with many fun and educational activities on the program.” The aim is to help people realize that there are numerous advantages to limiting car use, while also showing other major international cities that concrete actions should be taken to combat the pollution and other problems perpetrated by such heavy reliance on motor vehicles. Though the mission is a meaningful one, the vibe at Journée Sans Voiture should be a fun and light-hearted one: “the spirit of the event is eco-citizen, participatory, festive,” says the official website, representing a “reclaiming of public space.”
Above image via roscoland2
Image via Paris Sans Voiture
Paris Sans Voiture: Website | Facebook | Twitter
via [Inhabitat, Forbes]
All images via Paris City Hall unless otherwise stated.