신 뉴욕교량 건설 동영상 Watch 3 Years’ Worth of Progress on the New NY Bridge: VIDEO

   뉴욕 신교량은 허드슨 강을 가로지르는 기존 태판지 교량을 대체하는 교량으로 총 8차선 도로 교량이다.

미래의 초고속도로화를 감안한 기준으로 건설되고 있으며 보도와 자전거의 통행도 가능하다.

총공사비는 48억불로 2018년 경에 완공될 예정이다.

총연장 5km에 달하는 기존의 태펀지 교량은 

미국 뉴욕주의 허드슨강(Hudson River)에 있는 캔틸레버식 다리로 록랜드 카운티(Rockland County)의 사우스 니약(South Nyack)과 웨스트체스터 카운티(Westchester County)의 태리타운(Tarrytown)을 연결한다.

건설에 주경간 케이블 길이만 22km, 기초 파일길이가 80km, 30만m3 콘크리트, 철근이 99백만톤이 소요됐다.

1955년 완공됐으며 1일 차량 통행량 138천대에 달한다. 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

3.1 miles of bridge does not equal 3.1 miles of on grade highway.  In fact, it’s not even close.  In order to build the new New York Bridge, which is replacing the existing Tappan Zee bridge that crosses the Hudson River, 14 miles of main span cables, 50 miles of foundation pilings, 300 thousand cubic yards of concrete, and 220 million pounds of steel are needed to complete the structure.  Oh, it’s also going to take another 2 years to build, on top of the 3 they’ve already been working on it.

The existing Tappan Zee Bridge was built in 1955 and handles around 138,000 vehicles per day.  After realizing that, it’s even more amazing that no cars were hit when a crane, which was working on the new bridge adjacent to the existing, collapsed onto the existing bridge back in July. Without the added danger of nearby construction, the Tappan Zee was already a hazard by itself.  According to the New NY Bridge’s website, that stretch of road was the scene of an average of twice as many accidents as the rest of the NY Thruway system, which is a collection of highways.  It has narrow lanes and no emergency shoulders, which can be a recipe for disaster. 


The new bridge will contain 8 wider lanes for safer and quicker traffic, not including the emergency lanes, and has also been designed to handle a future commuter rail.  Pedestrians and bicyclists will also have their own lane to cross the river safely.  In total, the bridge will cost almost $4 billion dollars (3.98 to be exact) and will finish sometime in 2018.  We’re sure the NY drivers can’t wait until it’s complete.

Many companies were involved in the design and construction of this bridge, which together are known as the Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC.  Companies in the group include Flour, American Bridge, Granite, Taylor Bros, HDR, Buckland & Taylor, URS, and GZA.



