GCC철도프로젝트 지연에도 오만정부의 갈길은 멀다 Oman Rail Project Still Going Ahead

Oman Rail Project Still Going Ahead

source raillynews.com

   올 5월에 중동 GCC국가들이 6개국 장거리 철도프로젝트를 잠정 보류시켰지만 오만은 여전히 갈길이 멀다.

24일 열린 회의에서 오만의 철도 프로젝트를 책임질 새 회사를 언론에 소개했다.

오만레일은 현재 정부의 물류그룹인 OGLG의 계열사이다. 오만은 위치적으로 무역하는데 있어서 최고의 입지를 가지고 있으며 세계 최고의 3 항만을 가지고 있다.

2016년 5월에 GCC의 철도프로젝트 중단 발표는 취소하는 내용이 아니었다. 

이전인 2월에 스페인의 테크니카스 리유니다스가 207km 1단계 구간의 PMC를 수주했지만 오만정부는 공기지연에 따른 클레임을 피하기 위해 몇달간만 보류시켰을 뿐이다.

오만의 비전철 복선 철도망은 화물과 승객을 실어나르기 위해 계획되었다. 조만간 소하르와 두쿰 그리고 샬랄라 항만을 연결하게 될 것이다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Oman Rail Project Still Going Ahead :The Sultanate of Oman’s Railway Project is still on track despite the fact that the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Railway Network Project was put on hold in May 2016, according to Oman Global Logistic Group (OGLG) Chief Commercial Officer John Lesniewski.

A meeting was organized on 24 August 2016 to introduce the new company, now in charge of the railway project, to the press. Oman Rail is now a subsidiary transportation company of OGLG, the government’s logistics group.

“Our engineers are still working on the rail project,” said Mr. Lesniewski. “It is a vital part of the logistics grid that the country will need to be successful.”

“Oman’s geography is considered one of the best locations for trade. We have three of the best ports in the world and we have a history of trading. So, making Oman a logistics hub will be beneficial to us and our investors as we would be able to connect the Middle East with the Far East” said Nabil Al Bimani, Logistics Strategy Executive Director.

Minister for Transport and Communications Office Director Mohammed Al Shuaili announced in May 2016 that the project had not been cancelled but put on hold. Tecnicas Reunidas had secured a project management consultancy contract in February 2016 for the 207 km Phase One but has seen the contract cancelled only a few months later in order to “avoid extra costs”.

The double track, non-electrified Oman Railway Project, designed to serve mixed freight and passenger traffic, would link all three major ports in the country: Sohar, Al Duqm and Salalah.

Writer: John Carlo Ottaviani



