벽속을 탐지할 수 있는 스마트폰 New Smartphone Attachment Lets You See Behind Walls: VIDEO

New Smartphone Attachment Lets You See Behind Walls

August 19, 2016 Shane Hedmond

via Youtube

  '왈라봇(Walabot) DIY'는 벽 속에 물체를 탐지해낼 수 있는 스마트폰 어태치먼트다.

스마트폰 장착 탐지기능은 이번이 최초로 약 10cm 두께의 시멘트및 석고 벽체의 

금속, 플라스틱. 전선, 못 등 탐지가 가능하다.

2016년 컨슈머일레트로닉스 최고의 기술로 선정된 바 있으며 스마트폰 뒤에 자석과 

데이타 전송용 마이크로 USB 코드가 부착되어 있다.

현재 미국에서 가격은 어태치먼트가 199불이며 X레이 비전과 이동 추적, 소리탐지 기능 등이 

포함된 프로그램 키트를 149~599불에 별도로 판매하고 있다.

안드로이드시스템이 적용된다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

Remember when all phones did was make calls?  Me either.  Smartphones are becoming more and more powerful by the day, they’re already cameras, note takers, laser measures, and thermal imaging cameras, but now they can add x-ray vision sensors to the list.

Walabot DIY is a smartphone attachment that lets you see what’s lurking behind walls. There are obviously other machines that can do this, but this is the first that we know about that is as convenient as carrying your phone.  Currently able to run on Android devices, Walabot senses pipes of both plastic and metal, electrical wire, and studs behind up to 4 inches of cement and drywall.  The 2016 Consumer Electronics “Top Tech” winner uses magnets to connect to the back of your phone and a micro-USB cord to transmit the data to the app on your phone.

The phone attachment is currently available in the US only for $199, but the company also sells the technology in programmable kits for $149-$599 for those who want to use the x-ray vision, movement tracking, and sound detecting abilities to create other devices. 



