땅이 왜곡되어 보이는 메르카토르투영법 Our world maps are WRONG: Countries near the poles are distorted because it is impossible to accurately depict a sphere on a 2D surface: VIDEO
산업과학 Construction,Science/환경안전 Environment,Safety2016. 8. 18. 22:45
Our world maps are WRONG:
Countries near the poles are distorted because it is impossible to accurately depict a sphere on a 2D surface
Because the Earth is a sphere, it is impossible to accurately depict its surface on a two dimensional surface - such as a poster, or a book. Several countries in Europe that seem fairly large are really smaller than they appear, and would not fill the area of the US
- 'Mercator Projection' - the map we are most familiar with - is a representation of the spherical globe
- It gives the right shapes of land masses, but distorts sizes in favour of the wealthy lands to the north
- For example, the UK appears to be fairly large on the 2D map, but it is actually smaller than Japan, Madagascar and the Philippines
우리에게 가장 친숙한 메르카토르 도법은 지구 위에서 방위가 일정한 선은 모두 직선으로 표시하는
지도 투영법으로 대륙 같은 넓은 땅은 올바른 형태를 보여주지만 북극쪽으로 갈수록 땅이 더 크게 왜곡되어 보인다.
예를들면 영국을 일반적인 평면지도로 봤을 때 매우 크게 보이지만 실제로는 일본 마다가스카르 필리핀보다도 작다.
앞으로 실제 스케일의 지도투영법로 바뀌어야 할 것이다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
We're all familiar with the standard world maps that adorn most classroom walls.
This view of our planet in two dimensions, however, is littered with inaccuracies.
A new video reveals how the concept, known as the 'Mercator projection', which stretches a globe-shape onto a flat surface, has distorted the size and shape of entire countries.