교통사고로 살아남으려면 인간의 신체는 어떻게 재건되야할까 How the human body would have to be built to survive a catastrophic car crash::VIDEO

How the human body would have to be built to survive a catastrophic car crash: Sculptor creates 'super human' with massive head, extra nipples and no neck to launch road safety campaign

  • Graham is new road safety ambassador who is built to survive car crash
  • He has a huge chest to protect rib cage and no neck to avoid whiplash
  • The mock-up body was created by Melbourne sculptor Patricia Piccinini
  • She was helped by leading trauma surgeon and road safety engineer 

비참한 교통사고로 살아남으려면 인간의 신체는 어떻게 재건되야할까
그래함은 새 도로 안전을 위한 홍보대사다.

그래함은 호주 멜버른 조각가인 패트리샤 피치니에 의해 만들어졌으며 빅토리아정부의 새로운 도로안전 캠페인의 일환으로 계획됐다.

피치니는 교통사고로 훼손된 인체를 복원하기 위해 드라우마 전문의 크리스찬 켄필드와 도로안전기술자 데이비드 로건의 자문을 받아 작업했다.

그래함은 갈비뼈를 보호하기 위한 넓은 가슴을 가지고 있으며 경추 손상을 피하기 위해 목부분이 없다.

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor 

The body of Graham with his huge chest, inflated head, extra nipples and absence of a neck has been designed to survive a car crash.

Graham, who was created by Melbourne sculptor Patricia Piccinini, is part of the Victorian Government's new road safety campaign.

Piccinini drew from the knowledge of trauma surgeon Christian Kenfield and road safety engineer David Logan to build a body that could withstand a high-speed crash.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3700578/Victoria-s-new-road-safety-ambassador-Graham-body-survive-car-crash.html#ixzz4F3Lc5q3c 


