지멘스의 미래의 스마트 빌딩 동영상 Video: Is PoE the future of smart buildings?
산업과학 Construction,Science/해외동향 Global Project2016. 6. 23. 14:10
Video: Is PoE the future of smart buildings?
In the following video, Siemon demonstrates how Power over Ethernet (PoE) can be used to connect and supply electricity to a building’s devices and systems.
본 동영상은 PoE가 빌딩디바이스와 시스템에
전력을 연결하고 공급하는 방법을 지멘스가 설명하고 있다.
PoE는 power와 이더넷(Ethernet)을 같은 케이블을 통해 공급할 수 있도록 설계 된 구조
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
by James Morgan on Jun 22, 2016
Network infrastructure specialist Siemon has released a video to show how Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology can be used to connect and supply electricity to a building’s devices and systems.
The short was created to demonstrate how the concept of the internet of things (IoT) can allow multiple devices to converge on a single internet protocol (IP) network, according to the firm.
Siemon’s ConvergeIT system employs copper and fibre cabling technology to integrate critical data, voice, video, and low-voltage building systems within a single physical infrastructure.
Siemon claims that the integration of ConvergeIT leads to “significant cost savings and sustainability over the life of the facility”.
Commenting on the system, Bog Allan, global business development manager for intelligent buildings and strategic alliances at Siemon, said: “We are excited to introduce a new video to help educate the industry on how low-voltage cabling combines power and control to building devices and LED [light-emitting diode] lighting, leveraging the benefits of the IoT to cut costs, save energy, and improve overall building control, management, and security.”
In the following video, Siemon explains how its ConvergeIT system can be used to connect and power the next generation of smart buildings.