ludovico einaudi orchestrates floating performance in the arctic ocean for greenpeace: VIDEO
ludovico einaudi orchestrates floating performance in the arctic ocean for greenpeace
the project is set against the icy backdrop of the wahlenbergbreen glacier in svalbard, norway
image © pedro armestre / greenpeace
video courtesy of greenpeacespain
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world renowned italian pianist and composer ludovico einaudi has performed a historic concert, set on a floating platform in the arctic ocean. against the icy backdrop of the wahlenbergbreen glacier in svalbard, norway, einaudi has played one of his own compositions ‘elegy for the arctic’ for the first time. a monumental early retreat of sea ice as a result of climate change allowed for the construction of an artificial iceberg made from more than 300 triangles of wood, on which a grand piano sits.
einaudi played one of his own compositions ‘elegy for the arctic’ for the first time
image © pedro armestre / greenpeace
a grand piano sits on an artificial iceberg made from more than 300 triangles of wood
image © pedro armestre / greenpeace
created in collaboration with greenpeace, the timing of the performance coincides with a week-long meeting of the OSPAR commission in tenerife, spain — a platform which could see protected areas set up in international arctic waters. through his performance, einaudi adds his voice to those of eight million people from across the world demanding protection for the arctic, from threats like oil drilling and destructive fishing.
‘I could see the purity and fragility of this area with my own eyes and interpret a song I wrote to be played upon the best stage in the world,’ einaudi said from onboard the arctic sunrise. ‘it is important that we understand the importance of the arctic, stop the process of destruction and protect it.’