중국, 2020년까지 500개 이상 공항 건설한다 China To Have More Than 500 Airports By 2020: VIDEO
China To Have More Than 500 Airports By 2020
World | Press Trust of India | Updated: May 18, 2016
China will have more than 500 airports by 2020. It also plans to increase the number of general aircraft, including
helicopters and private jets, to more than 5,000 by 2020.
중국이 2020년까지 1,530억불의 항공산업 활성화 유발효과를 낼 수 있는 500개 이상의
크고 작은 공항을 건설한다.
중국의 5대 명승지에 50% 이상, 주요 농경 삼림지역을 포함 전역에 걸쳐 건설이 추진되며
이에 따라 2020년까지 자가용 비행기, 헬리콥터를 포함해 5천대의 일반 항공기도 증가될 전망이다.
Construction of Beijing’s new airport is underway
베이징 공항 확장 계획
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
Beijing: China plans to build more than 500 airports by 2020 to create a market worth over USD 153 billion for its general aviation industry.
According to a guideline issued by China's central cabinet, the country will have more than 500 general aviation airports in a number of places, including major agricultural and forest regions and over 50 per cent of five scenic tourist spots by 2020
It also plans to increase the number of general aircraft, including helicopters and private jets, to more than 5,000 by 2020.
Total annual flying time is estimated to rise to 2 million hours, state-run China Daily reported today.
China saw a rapid development in its general aviation industry.
According to the latest data released at the end of 2015, China had more than 300 airports, 281 enterprises and 1,874 aircraft.
Total annual flying time reached 732,000 hours last year. On May 12, China had announced plans to invest USD 723.8 billion in the next three years to improve the country's well laid out infrastructure which includes development of airports to boost investment-led growth to halt the economic slowdown.
The action plan includes 303 projects covering railways, highways, waterways, airports and urban rail transit with 131 projects to be taken this year, 92 projects in 2017 and 80 projects in 2018.
Chinese economy slowed down to 6.9 per cent last year and the government hopes to achieve a GDP growth rate between 6.5 per cent to seven per cent this year.
The new cabinet guideline said China will move towards further opening up lower altitude airspace for civilian use and promote research and manufacturing in the sector.
China will encourage private investment in the general aviation sector, boost pilot training and expand the use of general aircraft in disaster relief, emergency medical services and environmental monitoring, as well as national land and resources exploration, the guideline said.
To encourage aviation consumption, general aviation is encouraged to integrate with the internet, creative economy and tourism, it added.