썩지 않는 쓰레기들 How long does litter take to rot? : VIDEO
산업과학 Construction,Science/환경안전 Environment,Safety2016. 5. 17. 20:06
As crisp packets are found in the countryside looking nearly new after 33 years...
How long does litter take to rot?
- 최근 쓰레기 투기 금지 캠페인을 벌이고 있는 환경보호론자들은 33년이나
- 지난 쓰레기 포장꾸러미를 발견했다.
- 플래스틱 백과 병은 수백 수천 아니 수백만년을 지나도 썩지 않을 수도 있다.
- 별 관심없는 바나나 껍질은 한달간 오렌지 껍질은 2년이나 썩지않는다.
캔에 들어있는 내용물은 50년 전기바테리는 2백만년을 버틸 수 있다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
ki chul, hwang conpaper editor
- Anti-litter campaigners recently found 33-year-old discarded crisp packets
- Plastic bags & bottles could last hundreds, thousands or millions of years
- Not just man made problem - banana skins can hang around for a month
We all know a stretch of road that is festooned with litter. Perhaps it’s next to a lay-by, an unsightly sprawl of drinks cans, coffee cups, burger cartons and cigarette packets.
We live in hope that by the next time we go past, the local council will have tidied it up — but no, it will still be there the following week, and in all likelihood the week after that.
In fact, as anti-litter campaigners in the Forest of Dean have just discovered, litter can stick around for a lot longer than just a few weeks.
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