UAE 바라카 원전 2호기 '돔콘크리트 타설' 성공적 완료 Barakah Unit 2 Concrete Dome Construction Completed

UAE바라카 원전 2호기 돔콘크리트 타설 성공적 완료


  한국 건설업체들이 건설하고 있는 UAE 바라카 원전 2호기의 돔콘크리트 타설이 성공적으로 완료됐다.

70m 높이의 둘레가 51.4m인 돔부의 콘크리트 타설은 원전건설공사의 주공정으로 실질적인 공사가 완료됐다는 것을 의미한다.

에미리트 원자력청(ENEC)은 바라카 원전이 세계에서 가장 강한 원자로가 될 것으로 평가하고 있으며 지난 4월 초순

바라카 원전의 총공정이 62%에 도달한 것을 확인한 바 있다.

한전 현대건설 삼성물산 두산중공업 등이 참여하고 있는 현재 4기의 원전 건설공사는 모든 공정이 순조롭게 진행되고 있다.

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황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

ki chul, hwang conpaper editor

Barakah Unit 2 Concrete Dome Construction Completed

The concrete dome for the Unit 2 Reactor Containment Building (RCB) at the Barakah nuclear power plant construction site has been completed, a major milestone in the four-reactor build for the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC), the project's communications office said Tuesday.

Barakah Unit 2 DomeThe dome is the final structural component of the RCB, which now measures more than 70 meters in height, which is approximately 230 feet high. It would be a construction milestone for any project, given the robust, safety-oriented building involves thick concrete walls and heavy reinforcing steel, making a nuclear plant's containment buildings among the strongest structures in the world, ENEC noted.

The completed dome is measures 51.4 meters (169 feet) in diameter, 24 meters (78.7 feet) in height and weighs approximately 9,000 metric tons. It was constructed in nine stages, ENEC said.

The next phase of work on the RCB will be installation of the containment post tensioning system, which is used for pre-stressing the concrete structure. This will be followed by a three-month structural integrity test.

Installation of the reactor coolant system piping, connecting the Reactor Vessel (RV) with the reactor coolant pumps and the steam generators was completed in February. In addition, all major components of the turbo-generator, including the moisture separator-reheaters has been delivered to the site and installed. Workers are currently setting and aligning various components.

ENEC said Bakarah Unit 1 is now more than 87 percent complete, while Unit 2 is 68 percent complete. Unit 3 is 47 percent complete and Unit 4 is 29 percent complete. Putting all that together, the entire four-reactor project is now 62 percent complete based on major construction milestones, ENEC said.

“Pending regulatory approval, the four units in Barakah are scheduled to be delivered by 2020, providing safe, clean, reliable and efficient nuclear energy to the United Arab Emirate grid,” ENEC said in a statement.

The power plant, when it is up and running, is expected to meet 25 percent of the UAE's electricity demand.


