자하 하디드, 일본 신국립경기장 디자인 저작권 양도 요청 거절 Japan Sports Council 'refusing to pay' British architect for 2020 Tokyo Olympics stadium designs

다이세이(大成) 건설 건축가 구마 겐고(隈研吾) 디자인

영국 건축가 '자하 하디드', 자신의 디자인과

"외관 다르지만 레이아웃·좌석 배치 등 매우 유사"

향후 저작권 둘러싸고 일본 측에 대한 압력 강화 전망

백지화 된 첫번째 모델 디자인했던 자하 하디드 "경기장 외관은 다르지만 레이아웃·좌석 배치 등 놀랄만큼 비

슷하다" 상단 사진이 최종 채택안


영국 건축가 '자하 하디드', “日 신국립경기장 디자인 유사성 조사 London architects investigate 'similarities' of Tokyo 2020 Olympic stadium

확정된 '2020년 도쿄올림픽 주경기장' 새 디자인, 표절 논란

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

   2020년 도쿄(東京) 올림픽•패럴림픽에서 사용할 신국립경기장의 재검토 전의 디자인을 담당했던 자하 하디드 씨의 건축사무소는 13일, 사업 주체인 일본스포츠진흥센터(JSC)로부터 디자인의 미납 대금을 전액 지급하는 것과 상환으로 저작권을 양도하도록 서면으로 요청받았지만 거부했다고 표명했다. 

사무소는 지난해 말 결정된 경기장의 새로운 계획이 하디드 씨의 디자인과 비슷하다고 주장하고 있어 향후 저작권을 둘러싸고 일본 측에 대한 압력을 강화할 것으로 보인다.

13일의 영국 데일리 텔레그래프(전자판)에 따르면, 사무소는 법률 전문가 등과 현재 협의 중이며 만족할 수 있는 대응이 없을 경우 법적 조치를 취할 방침이라고 한다.

사무소는 13일 성명에서 지급과 상환해 사업에 관한 발언을 금하는 추가 계약 조항에 대한 서명도 JSC로부터 요구받았지만 이것도 거부했다고 설명했다.

저작권의 양도 요청에 관해서는 JSC가 경기장의 디자인에 관한 “지적재산권의 문제를 인정했다”고 주장. 조기 해결을 촉구했다.

새롭게 채용된 다이세이(大成) 건설, 아즈사(梓) 설계와 건축가 구마 겐고(隈研吾) 씨의 계획안에 대해, 사무소는 지난해 12월 자신들의 디자인과 “놀랄 만큼 유사하다”며 조사를 시작했다고 발표했었다.

데일리 텔레그래프에 따르면 사무소가 작년 10월 대금 지급을 요구한 것에 대해, JSC는 계약 문서에 저작권에 관한 수정과 “함구령”의 조항을 추가한 후 서명을 촉구했다고 한다. 디자인의 저작권을 얻어내려 하는 JSC에 대해 사무소가 분노의 반응을 나타내고 있다고도 보도했다.[런던 교도]

Japan Sports Council 'refusing to pay' British architect for 2020 Tokyo Olympics stadium designs


Exclusive: Zaha Hadid Architects has reacted angrily to the attempt by the Japan Sports Council to effectively seize ownership of the copyrighted designs 

By Julian Ryall, Tokyo

13 Jan 2016

The organisers of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games are refusing to pay a British architect for her designs for its main stadium unless she gives up the copyright and signs what amounts to a gagging order, it has been claimed. 

Zaha Hadid Architects, which won the original contract to build a state-of-the-art national stadium in the Japanese capital, has reacted angrily to the attempt by the Japan Sports Council to effectively seize ownership of the copyrighted designs. 

In documents sent to the London-based firm concerning payments for work completed before the design was scrapped in July, the JSC has inserted two new clauses. 

In the revised agreement, a copy of which has been seen by The Telegraph, the JSC says the winner of a new competition for the design, which was announced in December, is "allowed to use any product of work ... regardless of its copyright". 

It adds that Zaha Hadid Architects permits the JSC to "use Project Work freely, without additional payment or restriction (includes alteration and any other use) and mutually agrees that [Zaha Hadid Ltd.] will consent without objection". 

Zaha Hadid Architects' futuristic design for the 2020 Tokyo Stadium  Photo: PA

The letter was sent by the JSC in response to a request submitted in October for the final payment for months of work between March and July of last year by architects and engineers in Japan and the UK, as well as dozens of sub-contractors. 

The JSC is withholding the payment and demanding that Zaha Hadid Architects sign the revised agreement. 

"The fact that the government now needs the copyright of the original design shows that it could have been built on time and within budget and confirms that the latest design draws heavily on the original", the source told The Telegraph. 

"Trying to grab the copyright and withholding payment is tantamount to extortion." 

Hadid's original design  Photo: PA

When Kengo Kuma's design was announced, critics remarked on the "remarkable similarities" between parts of the plan and the original put forward by Ms Hadid's team. 

Her architects had worked on the project for two years, while the new designers had a mere 14 weeks to devise a brand new concept. But the geometry of the stadium bowl, the ground level spectators' entrance, the internal planning, structural layout, landscape design, access strategies, service access and other components are considered to be virtually identical to the original design. 

Zaha Hadid Architects won the original bid and the JSC subsequently appointed Azusa Sekkei Co., a Japanese design firm, and Taisei Corp., a construction company, to the broader team. Azusa Sekkei and Taisei are both part of the group that will now be building Mr Kuma's design. 

Japanese architect Kengo Kuma's design for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Stadium  Photo: EPA

In a second additional clause to the existing contract, the JSC is demanding that the company "will not do or permit others (includes Dame Zaha Hadid) to obstruct the project ... or other related projects ... and will not do anything which is derogatory or detrimental to the goodwill and reputation of [the JSC] and/or the Project". 

The sources close to the architecture firm described the "gagging clause" as "an attempt to cover up the collusion and political manoeuvering behind the replacement of the British architect". 

In the reply to the JSC, also seen by The Telegraph, Zaha Hadid Architects says a letter was sent in August to Toshiaki Endo, the Japanese minister overseeing the successful delivery of the Tokyo Olympics, expressing concern that "our design and our rights would be exploited," but received no reply. 

Kuma's design for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Stadium  Photo: EPA

The company also reacted angrily to the new "Compliance Rules", which seek to stop Zaha Hadid Architects from attempting to reverse the "public humiliation" caused by the JSC blaming the architects for the project being scrapped on the grounds of cost. 

"It may be convenient for those who have benefitted from our humiliation to want us to be quiet, but until the matter is publicly addressed, we cannot support a process and project which damaged us so wrongfully," the letter adds. 

Zaha Hadid Architects is consulting with its legal representatives and says it "will take legal action if our concerns are not promptly addressed to our satisfaction". 

The JSC was contacted for a response to the company's communication but The Telegraph has received no reply. 




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