영국 건축가 '자하 하디드', “日 신국립경기장 디자인 유사성 조사 London architects investigate 'similarities' of Tokyo 2020 Olympic stadium
디자인팀 유사성 상세한 조사 착수
법적 조치 단행 여부 불투명
Kengo Kuma’s design is for a steel and wood structure, with the track and field below ground level.
Photograph: Japan Sport Council/EPA
일 건축가 구마 겐고(隈研吾)의 새 국립경기장 디자인
Zaha Hadid
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edited by kcontents
케이콘텐츠 편집
2020년 도쿄(東京) 올림픽•패럴림픽의 주경기장인 신국립경기장이 백지 철회된 구 계획의 디자인을 맡은 자하 하디드의 건축사무소는 23일, 새롭게 채용된 다이세이(大成) 건설, 아즈사(梓) 설계와 건축가 구마 겐고(隈研吾) 씨의 계획안에 대해 “디자인팀이 유사성에 관해 상세한 조사를 시작했다”고 밝혔다. 법적 조치를 단행할 지는 ‘미정’이라며 조사 결과를 검토할 것으로 보인다.
저명한 여성 건축가 하디드 씨는 22일 사무소를 통해 “발표된 디자인은 우리가 2년에 걸쳐 제안한 경기장의 배치와 관람석의 구조가 놀랄 만큼 유사하다”는 성명을 발표했다.
하디드 씨 측은 8월 구 계획의 모든 디자인에 관해 지적재산권을 소유한다고 사업 주체인 일본스포츠진흥센터(JSC)에 전했다고 주장하고 있다.
제안이 불채용된 건축가 이토 도요오(伊東豊雄) 씨도 22일 구마 씨 등의 안에 관해 “거의 자하 하디드 씨의 안을 바탕으로 하고 있지 않을까. 겉으로 보기에는 다르지만 껍질을 벗기면 내용은 거의 별다름 없는 것이 나온다”고 말했다.【런던 교도】
London architects investigate 'similarities' of Tokyo 2020 Olympic stadium
Following the announcement of the design chosen for a Japanese national stadium for the 2020 Olympic Games, the London-based architects’ group who produced the original but later scrapped blueprint said Wednesday that they are looking into the similarities between theirs and the new design.
Architect Kengo Kuma’s team was announced Tuesday as the winner of the competition for the stadium design over architect Toyo Ito, after the original proposal from Zaha Hadid Architects was abandoned in July over rising costs.
A spokesperson for ZHA said, “The design team is currently reviewing the detailed designs and investigating similarities.”
It is unclear whether they will take any legal action. ZHA had informed the Japan Sports Council in August that all of the original plan’s design work was the intellectual property of the architect.
ZHA had already issued a statement following the announcement on Tuesday, claiming there were “remarkable similarities” between their design and the new one, particularly in the detailed stadium layout and seating bowl configuration.
Architect Ito said Tuesday of Kuma’s design, “I wonder if it is almost entirely based on Zaha Hadid’s plan. Its appearance is different, but if you look under the surface, there are details that seem almost unchanged.”
ZHA’s design was renounced by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this summer amid public outcry over its ballooning costs, projected to hit 265.1 billion yen ($2.19 billion) or more than double the initial estimate.
Kuma’s winning design will cost an estimated 149 billion yen, with a completion date set at November 2019.
The design was chosen based on an evaluation of nine categories associated with cost, construction period and execution plan.
The steel and wood architecture features a flat roof and sunken seating bowl that will accommodate 80,000 people.
Taisei and Azusa Sekkei, who are part of Kuma’s design team, were also involved in the original design led by Zaha Hadid. © KYODO
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