미국 3살 난 여자아이 화장한 후 "할머니"로 변해 Three-year-old girl becomes online star after asking her aunt to do her make-up(VIDEO)

Old beyond her years! Three-year-old girl becomes online star after asking her aunt to do her make-up

영국 "데일리 메일"의 보도에 의하면 미국 오하이오 주의 3살 난 여자아이 로이가 최근 아주머니한테서 "노인 메이크업"을 하여 80세의 할머니로 변해 그 사진들이 인터넷에 오른 뒤 따봉을 한 네티즌이 4만명을 넘었다.

원문 출처:CRI

  • Monroe, known as Roey, 3, of Ohio, saw her babysitter aunt putting on mascara and asked if she could have make-up put on, too
  • Roey's aunt, Samantha Parsons, decided to make her look like an old lady and showed Roey, who was initially scared but decided she liked the look
  • Artist Samantha posted pictures of Roey to Twitter and the post went viral 
  • The pictures have since been retweeted 39,000 times, liked 52,000 times




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