영국하원은 지금 전철화 비용과 싸움 중 Millions spent on new electric trains could have been wasted because..(VIDEO)

Now it's the wrong sort of RAILS! Millions spent on new electric trains could have been wasted because they may not have suitable tracks to run on 

히타치 클래스800 차량 

차체 아래에 디젤 엔진 발전기를 장착하여 비 전철화 구간도 주행할 수 있게 제작하였다

Electrification: The influential Commons public accounts committee has described a £1.2 billion increase in the cost of Network Rail’s electrification of the Great Western line, between London and South Wales, as ‘staggering and unacceptable’. Above, an example of one of the new electric trains planned for the track


  • Electric trains may not have suitable tracks to run on, MPs have warned
  • Commons public accounts committee criticised £1.2bn increase in cost 
  • Trains are due to be delivered for Great Western line from February 2018 
  • MPs were told last month the cost of electrification could rise to £2.8bn 

영국의 하원은 영국남서부의 그레이트 웨스턴구간(런던~남부 웨일즈) 전철화에 따른 예산 
요청에 대해 '전기열차 운행은 본 구간의 궤도에 적절하지 않으며 예산 낭비"라고 경고했다.

국회결산위원회는 이 구간의 전철화에 약 12억파운드의 공사비가 소요될 것으로 평가했으며
이는 '받아들여질 수 없는 비용'이라고 말했다. 전철 차량은 2018년까지 인도돼야한다.

지난달에는 28억파운드 비용이 소요되는 것으로 통보받은 바 있다.

또한 결산위원회는 맨체스터와 요크간의 트랜스페니라인  그리고  쉐필드와 베드포드간의 
미드랜드 메인라인에 대해 비용와 차량 인도시기에 너무나 많은 불확실성이 있다고 언급했다.

하원은 보수당의 공약임에도 불구하고 2014~2019년 철도 투자계획이 예산범위내에서 집행
될 수 없을 것이라고 결론지었다.

철도차량은 일본 히타치가 공급하게 되어 있다.

* MPs (Members of Parliament) 영국하원
** 네트워크 레일(Network Rail)
영국, 스코틀랜드, 웨일스 지역의 철도 기반시설 관리 및 유지 업무 담당

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


First Great Western building new trains and tracks(related)




Millions of pounds could be wasted on new electric trains because they may not have suitable tracks to run on, MPs warned last night.

The influential Commons public accounts committee said a £1.2 billion increase in the cost of Network Rail’s electrification of the Great Western line between London and South Wales was ‘staggering and unacceptable’.

The committee added: ‘New electric trains for the Great Western main line are due to be delivered from February 2018, and the Department for Transport is liable to pay for these trains whether electrification is complete or not.’

The committee also said there was ‘far too much uncertainty’ over costs and delivery dates for electrification of the Midland Mainline from Sheffield to Bedford and the TransPennine line between Manchester and York.

MPs concluded that the 2014/19 rail investment programme ‘could not have been delivered within budget’, even though it was a key promise in the Conservative Party manifesto.

Ministers were accused of deceiving the public when the overhaul of the Midland Mainline and the TransPennine routes were put on hold just weeks after the General Election. 

A massive increase: MPs were told last month that the cost of Great Western electrification could rise to £2.8 billion – up from an estimate of £1.6billion just 12 months earlier (file picture)

A massive increase: MPs were told last month that the cost of Great Western electrification could rise to £2.8 billion – up from an estimate of £1.6billion just 12 months earlier (file picture)


‘The Government has identified rail infrastructure as a vital part of its economic plans. It is alarming that in planning work intended to support these plans, its judgment should be so flawed. 

'Our inquiry found that the agreed work could never have been delivered within the agreed budget and time frame. Yet Network Rail, the Department for Transport and the regulator – the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) – signed up to the plans anyway.

‘Passengers and the public are paying a heavy price and we must question whether the ORR is fit for purpose.’

Network Rail has lost its grip on managing large infrastructure projects
Meg Hillier

Network Rail accepted that its understanding of how to plan and deliver major electrification schemes ‘was not good’. A spokesman said significant changes had been made which meant schemes now only progressed once ‘a reliable cost estimate can be established’.

The ORR welcomed the report and accepted that escalating costs and late delivery of rail projects were ‘unacceptable’. The regulator added that a review of its role in infrastructure work was ‘appropriate’ following last year’s reclassification of Network Rail as a public sector body.

A Department for Transport spokesman said: ‘We are proud to have a hugely ambitious investment programme, but agree that lessons should be learned on all sides. We are committed to seeing the £38billion programme through.’

  • Former Tory minister Esther McVey has been appointed chairman of the British Transport Police Authority. She will oversee its work on transport security and tackling sexual violence on the rail network.



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