오스트리아, 비엔나 트램노선 확장 건설계획 발표 More tram lines for Vienna(VIDEO)

Vienna tram ULF type "B" source commons.wikimedia.org

비엔나 도심을 지나는 트램

출처 비엔나시 

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

    9월 7일, 비엔나시 위원회는 기존 건설계획안에 5.2km를 추가하는 건설계획을 발표했다. 3개-노선 프로젝트는 2020~2025년 완공예정이다.

1. O (Leystrasse ~ Friedrich Engels Platz) 북쪽구간 확장

2. 33번 노선 (Wallensteinplatz ~ Leystrasse) 신규건설

3. 36번 노선 (Wallensteinplatz ~ Friedrich Engels Platz) 신규건설

3개 노선건설 소요예산은 €1억 이며, 비엔나시 위원회가 2014년에 승인한 철도망-구축 재원 €4억 중 일부이다.

출처 : 한국철도협회 (2015.09.18.)

원본출처 : 비엔나시 보도자료 (2015.09.15.)

[한국철도협회 해외철도동향 175호 - 2015.9.17]


More tram lines for Vienna 

Written by  Keith Barrow 
VIENNA City Council has unveiled plans for further additions to the tram network in the Austrian capital, which will serve new urban developments on former railway land in Leopoldstadt and Brigittenau north of the city centre.

Under the plans, which were announced by the city's deputy mayor Mrs Reante Brauner on September 7, three extensions totalling 5.2km will be built linking new developments at the Nordbahnhof and Nordwestbahnhof sites to interchanges with the S-Bahn and U-Bahn networks. These include:

•A further extension of Line O north from Leystrasse to Friedrich Engels Platz (in addition to the already-planned Praterstrasse - Leystrasse extension)
•Extension of Line 33 from Wallensteinplatz to Laystrasse, and
•Extension of Line 36 from Wallensteinplatz to Friedrich Engels Platz.

The total cost of the three projects will be around €100m, which has already been budgeted by the city council as part of a broader €400m expansion of the tram network. All three extensions are due to be completed by 2020.



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