중국, 인도네시아 고속철도 수주 경쟁 일본에 승리 Japan loses Indonesian high-speed railway contract to China

자카르타-반둥간 150㎞구간

日 "매우 유감"

인도네시아 철도망 구축계획 및 반둥~자카르타 고속철 노선도(붉은박스) 출처 skyscrapercity.com


인도네시아 정부, 백지화 '자카르타~반둥 고속철도' 재개키로


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케이콘텐츠 편집


   중국이 인도네시아 고속철도 수주 경쟁에서 일본에 승리했다.

조코 위도도(일명 조코위) 인도네시아 대통령의 특사 자격으로 일본을 찾은 소피안 잘릴 국가개발계획장관은 29일 스가 요시히데(菅義偉) 관방장관과 만난 자리에서 고속철도 건설 계획에 대해 "중국의 제안을 환영하고 싶다"며 중국 방식을 채택할 것임을 통보했다고 교도통신이 보도했다.

당초 이달 초순 인도네시아 정부는 중국과 일본이 치열하게 경합해온 자카르타-반둥 간 150㎞ 고속철도 건설 계획을 백지화한다고 밝힌 바 있다.

9월 초 개통한 중국 랴오닝(遼寧)성 단둥(丹東)~선양(瀋陽) 간 고속철도 열차.(연합뉴스.자료사진)

그러자 중국은 인도네시아 정부의 의향을 수용, 인도네시아 정부의 재정 부담과 채무 보증 없이 사업을 진행하는 새로운 제안을 했다고 교도는 전했다. 반면 일본은 사업이 좌초해 자금 회수를 못할 위험성을 감안해 인도네시아 정부의 의향을 받아들이지 않았다.

스가 장관은 사업 백지화를 발표했던 인도네시아 정부가 갑자기 중국의 제안을 받아들인 경위를 "이해하기 어렵고 매우 유감스럽다"고 밝혔다.

교도통신은 "일본이 세계 각지의 인프라 개발 사업을 놓고 경쟁하는 중국에 핵심 사업을 빼앗긴 형태"라며 "인프라 수출을 성장전략의 기둥으로 삼는 아베 정권에 타격이 됐다"고 지적했다.

중국이 고속철도 시스템을 해외에 수출하게 된 것은 이번이 처음이라고 교도는 전했다.

(도쿄=연합뉴스) 조준형 특파원 jhcho@yna.co.kr

Japan loses Indonesian high-speed railway contract to China


JAKARTA/TOKYO – Japan has lost a key Indonesian high-speed railway contract to China, dealing a heavy blow to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s goal of pursuing overseas infrastructure projects for economic growth.

Sofyan Djalil, head of the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency, told Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga in Tokyo on Tuesday that Indonesia planned to welcome the Chinese proposal, Suga said at a news conference.

The Indonesian plan came after Jakarta dropped both Chinese and Japanese high-speed railway construction proposals early this month, citing high financial costs, and offered to consider a cheaper medium-speed railway.

But Sofyan told Suga that China recently made a new proposal to build the high-speed rail link between Jakarta and the West Java provincial capital of Bandung without Indonesian fiscal spending or debt guarantee. Sofyan was visiting Japan as a special envoy of Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

Suga termed the Indonesian about-face “difficult to understand” and “extremely regrettable.”

In Jakarta, Presidential Chief of Staff Teten Masduki told a small group of reporters that Japan failed to win Indonesia’s heart because its proposal was more about government-to-government cooperation, while Jakarta preferred business-to-business cooperation.

Suga doubted the feasibility of the Chinese proposal to build the railway without Indonesian funding. The railway project is estimated to cost 78 trillion rupiah (¥635.8 billion or $5.3 billion).

“It defies common wisdom. I doubt if it would be successful,” Suga said.

In an apparent effort to dampen the government’s disappointment, Teten said there were still a lot of opportunities for Japan to invest in Indonesia’s infrastructure sector.

“There are a lot of infrastructure projects that we have been offering, not only the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway project, but also the one connecting Jakarta and (the East Java provincial capital) Surabaya,” he said.

The rail project is a key part of Widodo’s drive to build more infrastructure. He pledged upon taking office in October to overhaul Indonesia’s aging roads, railways and ports but has struggled to get his agenda moving.

Japan seemed destined to build the high-speed rail line until Jakarta announced in April that China had entered the race with a counter-offer.

Japan’s loss came despite its reputation as a world-class train maker.

The country is famous for its legendary shinkansen bullet trains which for decades have whizzed between cities without a single fatal accident.

China has countered this by arguing it has built thousands of kilometers of high-speed railway in the 12 years since it began constructing bullet trains. But its safety standards have come under scrutiny — a 2011 crash killed at least 40 people and injured about 200.


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