2차 대전 중 비밀리에 사라진
150미터 길이 히틀러의 황금 장갑열차
Polish authorities believe they have located lost Nazi train after a deathbed confession led treasure
hunters to its secret location. 폴란드 당국은 사라진 나찌 보물열차의 위치를 정확히 알고 있다고 믿고
있다. 보물의 비밀 보유자가 임종을 앞두고 보물탐사가에게 알려준 것으로 알려지고 있다.
Two men claim they have discovered a Nazi train filled with treasure in Poland, says a local official
edited by kcontents
케이콘텐츠 편집
러시아가 아직 발견되지 못한 '나치 황금'의 상당양을 요구할 수 있다고 표트르 쥬콥스키 폴란드 문화, 국가유산차관이 성명했다. '데일리 텔레그래프'는 폴란드 장관이 결국 숨겨진 보물을 찾게 될걸로 확신했다고 전했다.
8월 28일 폴란드 장관은 2차 세계대전 당시 사라진 독일 나치 보물이 '나치의 황금'을 실은 기차일 수 있다고 확인 성명했다.
쥬콥스키 장관은 전대미문의 수확물이라며 죽음에 처한 이가 이 정보를 주었다고 밝혔다. 관련 사진을 비롯해 동열차가 현존하고 있단 사실을 확인한 정보를 주었다고 공개했다.
폴란드 언론은 길이 약 150미터 길이의 히틀러 장갑열차 안에 '금'이 실려 있을 수 있다며 '황금열차'라 대대적으로 보도했다.
2차 세계대전 말 이 열차가 비밀리 사라졌다. 학자들과 보물사냥꾼들은 여러 번에 결쳐 소련군이 숨겼을 가정에 대해 말하곤 했다. 폭격으로 인해 폭파된 땅꿀중 한 곳에 숨겨놓았을 가능성에 대해 여러 차례 성명해왔다. sputniknews.com |
Deathbed confession may have revealed location of 'Nazi gold train'
Poland’s deputy culture minister says radar has discovered images of a train after dying man’s directions led officials to the potential site
Jessica Elgot
Friday 28 August 2015
A deathbed confession may have revealed the location of a Nazi train rumoured to have been carrying gold, which has been missing in Poland since the second world war.
Poland’s deputy culture minister, Piotr Żuchowski, said ground-penetrating radar had found images of a buried train near Wałbrzych, in the country’s south-west, on a 4km stretch of railway near the Wrocław-Wałbrzych line.
Calling it an exceptional find, Żuchowski said the fact that the train appeared to be armoured indicated that it might be carrying valuable cargo. A deathbed confession from an unnamed man had led officials to the site, he added. Żuchowski said the dying man was involved in the operation to hide the train 70 years ago. “I am more than 99% certain that this train exists,” he told a press conference on Friday.
The German train, which may contain up to 300 tonnes of gold, jewels and weapons, as well as valuable art, has long been rumoured to have gone missing when the Nazis were fleeing Russia’s Red Army.
According to local legend, an armoured train packed with treasure from the then German city of Breslau (now Wrocław in Poland) was driven into a tunnel in a hillside near a medieval castle near Wałbrzych as the Red Army was approaching and the Allies were carrying out airstrikes in the final days of the war.
During the war, the Germans built a system of underground tunnels in the mountainous region of Wałbrzych and the city of Wrocław, from where the train is believed to have departed. The area was German territory at the time, but became part of Poland when the war ended. Treasure hunters have been searching for the train since the end of the war, as did the Polish army during the communist era, but it was never found.
Map of Poland
Earlier this month, a Pole and a German, acting through lawyers, told local authorities they had found an armoured train with valuables in a disused tunnel and demanded a finder’s fee of 10%.
Żuchowski told reporters on Friday the lawyers had been informed the train was over 100 metres long. He said he was shown a blurred image from a ground-penetrating radar that showed the shape of a train platform and cannons. “We will be 100% sure only when we find the train,” he said. Wałbrzych regional authorities would conduct the search, using military explosives experts, in a procedure that would take weeks, he added.
“This is a find of world significance, on a par with discovering the Titanic,” Jarosław Chmielewski, the lawyer who has written to the parish council on the men’s behalf, told Radio Wrocław last month.
The announcement led to a crowd of fortune seekers descending on the area, the authorities said, forcing the authorities to warn enthusiasts searching for the train that it might be booby-trapped. “If the train does actually exist, there’s a significant chance it is mined,” council chairman Jacek Cichura told the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza. “It could also contain a large amount of methane gas.”
Previously, talk of Nazi treasure in Wałbrzych led to speculation that the long-lost Czarist Amber Room, of which treasure hunters have reported sightings in plenty of other locations, was to be found in the region, specifically in a tunnel leading to Wałbrzych castle. Despite searches, nothing has ever been found.
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