벨기에 디자이너, 도쿄올림픽 엠블렘 사용 중지 요구 IOC 제소 Designer denies plagiarising Belgium theatre for Tokyo Olympics logo
2020년 도쿄 올림픽의 우환,
주경기장 건설 백지화에 이어
Theatre de Liege and Tokyo 2020 logos
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케이콘텐츠 편집
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Designer denies plagiarising Belgium theatre for Tokyo Olympics logo
Last updated 01:46, August 6 2015
Japanese designer Kenjiro Sano rejects claims he copied the emblem of a Belgian theatre when he created the official logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
At a news conference on Wednesday (Thursday NZ Time), Sano said his design was original and he never saw the emblem for the Theatre de Liege before creating his logo.
Belgian designer Olivier Debie has asked the International Olympic Committee and Tokyo Olympic organisers to change the logo because it bears too much resemblance to his emblem for the theater in Liege.
"I am extremely surprised to hear the remarks of the Belgian designer," Sano said, adding he was saddened and shocked by claims he plagiarised. "I would like to take this opportunity to state that his claims are completely groundless."
Sano said his geometric design uses a widely available font for the letter "T," which stands for Tokyo, team, and tomorrow. He said the red circle in the logo was inspired by designer Yusaku Kamekura's emblem for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
The 2013 logo for the theatre has a similar "T" in white against a black backdrop.
Tokyo organisers said they researched trademarks inside Japan and abroad before deciding on the logo. The emblem for the Belgian theatre is not a registered trademark.
Hidetoshi Maki, the executive director of marketing for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, said sponsors were already using the logo.
The logo controversy is another setback for Tokyo organisers, who last week apologised to the IOC over the scrapping of the original design for the Olympic stadium amid public criticism over the cost.
- AP
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