일본 정부, 2020년 도쿄 올림픽 '신(新)국립경기장' 건설 재검토 Tokyo Olympics’ National Stadium to cost $2 billion (VIDEO)

세계 최고가의 경기장 건설

국민들 비판

약 2조 3250억 원 공사 비용 감축

The main venue for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is set to be the most expensive stadium in the world. Source: AP  news.com.au

이라크 출신 건축가 자하 하디드가 설계를 맡은 2020년 도쿄올림픽 주경기장의 예상 조감도

[관련기사] Attahed Articles


New National Stadium for Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics VIDEO

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


  아베 신조(安倍晋三) 수상은 16일, 2020년 도쿄 올림픽•패럴림픽의 주경기장인 신(新)국립경기장의 건설 계획 재검토 의향을 표명했다. 대회조직위원회 회장인 모리 요시로(森喜朗) 전 수상과 17일 관저에서 회담해 이해를 구한다. 

일본 정부는 2,520억 엔(약 2조 3250억 원)으로 증액된 총공사 비용의 감축을 위해 디자인 변경도 포함해 구체안 만들기를 본격화시킨다. 이달 내에 정리할 방침이다.

수상은 거액의 총공사비에 비판이 고조됨에 따라 “국민의 목소리에 귀를 기울이면서 도쿄 올림픽•패럴림픽이 성공할 수 있도록 만전의 준비를 기하겠다”고 관저에서 기자단에 말했다. 16일의 중의원 본회의에서 여론의 반발이 강한 안전보장 관련 법안의 채결을 단행하고 있어, 새로운 경기장 문제도 기존 방침으로 추진하면 정권에 대한 타격을 피할 수 없다고 판단한 것으로 보인다.

스가 요시히데(菅義偉) 관방장관은 기자회견에서 국민 부담의 경감을 도모할 필요성을 지적하면서, “문부과학성을 중심으로 국민의 이해를 얻을 수 있게끔 성의 있게 설명해 나가겠다”고 강조했다.

여야당에서는 ‘킬 아치(Keel Arch)’로 불리는 2개의 거대한 궁(弓)형의 철근구조물을 특징으로 한 디자인에 대한 비판이 강하다. 공법의 난이도가 거액의 공사비로 이어졌기 때문이다. 정부 관계자에 따르면 현재의 디자인이 선출된 2012년의 국제 공모에서 차점작이었던 작품을 기초로 비용과 공기를 검토하는 안이 부상되고 있다. 현행 디자인을 유지하면서 공기 연장에 따른 인건비 삭감도 선택지가 되고 있다.

정부의 계획 변경으로 공기가 연장될 경우, 올림픽 운영 절차를 확인하는 역할로도 위치 부여되는 2019년 럭비 월드컵 일본대회가 신국립경기장에서 개최되지 못할 가능성이 있다.

수상은 16일 밤, 월드컵 유치에도 참여한 모리 전 수상 및 자민당 호소다(細田)파 간부와 함께 도내에서 회식했다. 신국립경기장의 건설 문제는 화제에 오르지 않았다고 하지만, 모리 전 수상은 주변에 “계획 재검토에는 장단점이 있다. 잘 상담하겠지만 수상의 최종 결론에 저항할 생각은 없다”고 말했다.


Tokyo Olympics’ National Stadium to cost $2 billion 

WHEN the dust settles on the marquee venue for the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, it could well be the most expensive sports stadium in the world.

The latest cost estimate of 252 billion yen (US$2 billion) would push it beyond the current record-holder, the $1.6 billion MetLife stadium completed in 2010 for the New York Jets and Giants football teams.

THE design of the stadium’s ribbed roof on huge steel arches resembles a bicycle helmet.

To support a natural grass field, the roof’s southern end will be translucent to let in sunlight and underground will be soil ventilation and temperature control systems.

Movable seats will bring the crowd closer for more intimate events, and this being Japan, the stadium will have earthquake-resistant features.


An artist's impression of the new National Stadium for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

An artist's impression of the new National Stadium for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Source: AFP



WHILE exchange rate fluctuations and inflation make comparisons tricky, it is safe to say Japan’s new National Stadium will likely to be the most expensive ever built, two sports economists told The Associated Press. The latest estimate was a 55 percent increase over an earlier one of 163 billion yen.

“The spiraling costs come as no surprise,” Victor Matheson, a professor at the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts, said.

“Most of the recent Olympics Games and World Cups have seen final costs come in far above initial estimates.”

Andrew Zimbalist, an economics professor at Smith College in Massachusetts, added that he suspects the cost will rise further during construction, which is due to begin in October.

At least five stadiums costing more than $1 billion have been built worldwide, which you can see below. Tokyo’s new stadium, designed by award-winning architect Zaha Hadid, would be the first to reach $2 billion.


World’s first $2 billion stadium

The National Stadium may be setting a dangerous precedent for future Olympics. Source: AFP



UNLIKE venues for professional sports teams, which generate a steady revenue stream, Olympic stadiums risk becoming “white elephants”, little used after their two weeks of glory.

The rising price tag has put the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the defensive, at a time when his approval ratings are already slipping because of opposition to his push to expand the international role of Japan’s military. It also doesn’t bode well for Boston and others bidding for the 2024 Olympics, as well as the International Olympic Committee’s goal of making future Olympics more affordable for host cities, Matheson said.

“If a modern city like Tokyo with tons of highly developed infrastructure already in place can’t make an Olympics work without breaking the bank, what chance do any other potential host cities have?” he wrote.

The IOC has approved changes in plans for other 2020 venues in Japan that have saved more than $1 billion, according to the committee. The main stadium, though, far exceeds the $455 million “Bird’s Nest” stadium built for the 2008 Olympics, and the approximately $680 million stadium for the 2012 London Olympics.

Japan is a rich country, but it doesn’t have cash to spare. More than two decades of economic stagnation have left the government saddled with debt, and the rapidly aging nation faces soaring pension and health care bills.


A May 2015 photo of the National Stadium site.

A May 2015 photo of the National Stadium site. Source: AP



PUBLIC opinion, already tepid about building a massive new stadium in central Tokyo, has turned decisively negative since the government sharply revised up the project cost. The government says it’s too late to make major changes and still meet a 2019 deadline to host the inaugural event, the Rugby World Cup.

The Japan Sports Council, which is overseeing the project, attributes about one-third of the increase in price to rising labour and materials costs, and two-thirds to the unusual design of the stadium. An increase in the consumption tax rate also added about 4 billion yen.

Asked about the cost, Jim Heverin, the project director for the stadium for Zaha Hadid Architects, said it’s understandable that when costs go up by 55 per cent that people are concerned and question the project.

“We are a little bit concerned that in all of this press coverage, which predominantly focuses on criticism of Zaha or the project team, that the more positive part of this message is getting lost, which is the longer-term legacy of ... a national stadium, which just so happens to also be going to be used for the Rugby World Cup and the Olympics 2020,” he told AP.


Japan’s Nissan Stadium was once the world’s most expensive World Cup Stadium.

Japan’s Nissan Stadium was once the world’s most expensive World Cup Stadium. Source: Getty Images



THE 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano were by far the most expensive until Sochi, Russia, last year, Matheson said.

Japan also held the record for the most expensive World Cup stadium — the $621 million Nissan Stadium that hosted the 2002 final in Yokohama — until Brasilia built a $900 million stadium for the 2014 tournament.

Nissan Stadium remains in use, as the home field for a J-League soccer team, the Yokohama F. Marinos.

The Mane Garrincha stadium in Brasilia, however, is now perhaps the world’s most expensive bus depot.


Figures according to therichest.com



Constructed in 2007, the famed football ground has a capacity of 90,000.

Constructed in 2007, the famed football ground has a capacity of 90,000. Source: AP




The stadium, built in 2009, is best known for a monster big screen.

The stadium, built in 2009, is best known for a monster big screen. Source: Supplied




The Olympic Stadium played host to the recent FIFA Women’s World Cup football final betwe

The Olympic Stadium played host to the recent FIFA Women’s World Cup football final between the US and Germany. Source: AFP




The brand new stadium was built next to the old one in 2009.

The brand new stadium was built next to the old one in 2009. Source: Supplied





The home of the NFL’s New York Giants and New York Jets opened in 2010.

The home of the NFL’s New York Giants and New York Jets opened in 2010. Source: 


edited by kcontents 

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