이집트 군함, 지중해서 IS 미사일에 피격 Terror hits the high seas: Egyptian navy vessel erupts in fireball as ISIS carries out first rocket strike on patrol ship in the Med(VIDEO)

Terror on the high seas: Egyptian navy vessel erupts in huge fireball as ISIS carry out rocket strike on patrol ship in the Mediterranean 

  • Patrol ship spotted ISIS jihadis on the Sinai shoreline and fired at them
  • The group of Islamic extremists returned fire using high-powered rockets
  • At least one of the rockets struck the ship, causing it to burst into flames
  • Several patrol workers suffered burn injuries, but there were no fatalities 

이집트 군함 1척이 16일(현지시간) 지중해 동부 연안에서 수니파 무장조직 이슬람국가(IS) 추정 세력의 미사일 공격을 받고 나서 화염에 휩싸였다고 카이로포스트 등 현지언론이 보도했다.

이집트군 당국에 따르면 이날 오전 9시30분께 이집트 순찰용 군함 1척이 시나이반도 인근 해상에서 무장 대원들과 교전을 벌이다 불에 탔다.

이 군함은 시나이반도 북부와 팔레스타인 가자지구 사이의 접경지대로부터 약 3km 떨어진 해상에서 무장 대원을 발견하고 이들을 추격했다. 이후 양측이 교전하다 군함에서 큰 폭발이 일어난 뒤 희뿌연 연기가 치솟았다.

이 군함에 타고 있던 수병들은 다른 해군 함정에 의해 구조됐다.

이집트군 관계자는 "이번 군함 피격에 따른 사상자는 발생하지 않았다"며 "시나이 북부 지역을 공격해 무장 대원 22명을 죽였다"고 말했다.

IS는 이 사건이 발생하고 나서 "우리 지하디스트 대원들이 미사일로 군함을 공격했다"라고 밝혔다고 테러 감시단체인 시테(SITE)가 전했다. IS는 미사일이 날아가는 장면과 화염에 휩싸인 군함 사진을 소셜미디어에 올리기도 했다.

이집트 군함이 지중해에서 무장단체의 공격을 받기는 이번이 처음이 아니다.

지난해 11월 이집트 북부 다미에타 지역 인근 해상에서 순찰선이 공격을 받았고 이 과정에서 선원 8명이 사망했다.

이집트에서는 2013년 7월 무슬림형제단을 이끌던 무함마드 무르시 전 대통령이 군부 쿠데타로 실각한 이후 공권력을 겨냥한 무장세력의 공격이 끊이지 않고 있다. 

시나이반도에서 활동하는 이슬람 극단주의 무장단체 '안사르 베이트 알마크디스'는 작년 11월 자신의 조직명을 '시나이 지방'으로 바꾸고 IS에 충성을 맹세했는데 알마크디스의 소행으로 추정되는 연쇄 폭탄 공격과 총격 테러로 지금까지 군인과 경찰 수백명이 숨지거나 다쳤다. 

지난달 29일 수도 카이로 외곽에서는 히샴 바라카트 이집트 검찰총장이 출근 중 폭탄 테러로 목숨을 잃었다.  
(카이로=연합뉴스) 한상용 특파원 

Extremists loyal to the Islamic State in Egypt have attacked a naval patrol ship in the Mediterranean Sea, causing it to burst into flames.

The Egyptian military said earlier a coastguard vessel had exchanged shots with militants just two miles off the coast of northern Sinai, an area bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip.

There were no fatalities among the vessel's crew in the shootout with the terrorists, according to a Facebook message posted by military spokesman, Brigadier General Mohammed Samir. 

ISIS declared their presence on Sinai - a peninsula popular with British holidaymakers - last November when up to 2,000 members of the already established jihadi group Ansar Bait al-Maqdis swore allegiance to ISIS' leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. 

Scroll down for video  

Explosion: Extremists loyal to the Islamic State in Egypt have attacked a naval patrol ship in the Mediterranean Sea, causing it to burst into flames

Explosion: Extremists loyal to the Islamic State in Egypt have attacked a naval patrol ship in the Mediterranean Sea, causing it to burst into flames

Attack: Eyewitnesses said a boat patrolling the Sinai coastline spotted a group of ISIS jihadis on the shore and engaged them. A rocket fired from the shore (circled) struck the vessel moments later

Attack: Eyewitnesses said a boat patrolling the Sinai coastline spotted a group of ISIS jihadis on the shore and engaged them. A rocket fired from the shore (circled) struck the vessel moments later

Smoke: A witness, fisherman Abu Ibrahim Mohammed from the neighboring Gaza Strip, said the vessel was a gunboat that was about a nautical mile off the coast when it was struck by the rocket

Smoke: A witness, fisherman Abu Ibrahim Mohammed from the neighboring Gaza Strip, said the vessel was a gunboat that was about a nautical mile off the coast when it was struck by the rocket

Eyewitnesses said a boat patrolling the Sinai coastline spotted a group of ISIS jihadis on the shore and engaged them. 

At some point during the fire fight the vessel was struck by a rocket, causing it to burst into flames and withdraw from the battle. 

The military said it suffered no casualties although it is understood several patrol workers suffered minor burn injuries.

An AFP photographer and a witness in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, just across the border, said the boat was struck at least two miles from shore.

'We were sitting on the beach and suddenly there was an explosion,' said Ahmed Nofal.

Other navy boats came to rescue the crew as their vessel spewed a plume of smoke.

A witness, fisherman Abu Ibrahim Mohammed from the neighboring Gaza Strip, said the vessel was a gunboat that was about a nautical mile off the coast when it was struck by the rocket.

He did not hear the explosion but saw two smaller boats later trying to put out the fire and that a third, larger one later arrived and towed the burned vessel away. 

Two speed boats were seen later combing the area as gunshots occasionally rang out, he added

Location: The Egyptian military said earlier a coastguard vessel had exchanged shots with militants just two miles off the coast of northern Sinai, an area bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip

Location: The Egyptian military said earlier a coastguard vessel had exchanged shots with militants just two miles off the coast of northern Sinai, an area bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip

Blast: The military said it suffered no casualties although it is understood several patrol workers suffered minor burn injuries

Blast: The military said it suffered no casualties although it is understood several patrol workers suffered minor burn injuries

A Palestinian boy watches smoke rising from the Egyptian patrol vessel off the coast of northern Sinai

A Palestinian boy watches smoke rising from the Egyptian patrol vessel off the coast of northern Sinai


Authorities refused to officially confirm whether or not the vessel was hit by a rocket but said they are looking into both that possibility as well as theory that ISIS jihadis could have swam out to the patrol ship and placed explosives on it, which were later detonated by remote control.

In his Facebook message Samir did not say how much damage the vessel suffered and gave no details on the type of ship or the size of its crew.

The vessel, according to the security officials, routinely patrols Egyptian territorial waters and has frequently been used to transport army and police personnel to mainland Egypt. 

The sea route avoids the overland journey through Sinai, where ISIS targets government forces. 

Jihadis loyal to ISIS have killed scores of soldiers and policemen in the peninsula since the army's overthrow of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013.

The militants have also carried out attacks west of the Suez Canal, which separates the Sinai from the rest of Egypt. 

Stricken: Authorities refused to officially confirm whether or not the vessel was hit by a rocket but confirmed that they are looking into the possibility

Stricken: Authorities refused to officially confirm whether or not the vessel was hit by a rocket but confirmed that they are looking into the possibility

Palestinian fishermen go about their business as an Egyptian naval vessel approaches the stricken patrol ship

Palestinian fishermen go about their business as an Egyptian naval vessel approaches the stricken patrol ship


Yesterday, the military said it foiled an attempted attack on a military post on a highway linking Cairo with the Red Sea coast. 

The driver of a car that was carrying 1,100 pounds of dynamite refused to stop at a checkpoint, drawing fire from the troops, the military said.

The car then swerved off the road and the driver was killed, the military said in a statement.

Egypt faces threats from multiple insurgent factions, including the ISIS affiliate in Sinai, which the military says killed at least 17 soldiers in a July 1 assault there. 

Officials from several branches of Egypt's security forces previously said that that attack killed dozens more.

In another attack claimed by ISIS, Egypt's state prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, was assassinated in Cairo by a car bomb in late June.


edited by kcontents 

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