세계적 투자가 짐 로저스 “북한에 전재산 투자하고 싶다” Jim Rogers: I would buy North Korea if I could

“김정은, 놀라운 변화 만들고 있어” 

세계적 투자가인 짐 로저스(73·사진)가 “전 재산을 북한에 투자하고 싶다”고 말했다.

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케이콘텐츠 편집

  로저스는 5일 <시엔엔 머니>와의 인터뷰에서 북한에 투자할 뜻이 있냐는 질문을 받고 “할 수만 있다면 가진 돈 전부를 투자하고 싶다”고 말했다. 로저스는 “김정은 아버지나 할아버지 때 같으면 절대 투자하지 않을 것이다. 마오쩌둥 시절의 중국 같으면 중국에 투자하지 않겠다는 것과 마찬가지 이야기다”고 말했다. 그는 “하지만 마오는 죽었고 덩샤오핑이 엄청난 변화를 만들었다. 북한에서는 엄청난 변화가 일어나고 있다. 그 아이(김정은 북한 국방위원회 제1위원장)가 놀라운 변화를 만들고 있다”고 말했다.

로저스는 조지 소로스와 함께 1970년대 퀀텀펀드를 설립해 10년 동안 4200% 수익률을 올린 것으로 유명하다. 그는 아시아와 농산물 투자에 관심이 많다. 그는 아시아에 투자기회가 많다며 2007년 뉴욕에서 싱가포르로 이주했고, 딸에게도 중국어를 가르치고 있다. 이번 인터뷰에서도 그의 이런 주장은 계속됐다. 그는 “아시아에서 사는 게 (미국에서 사는 것보다) 더 좋다”고 말했다. 또 “중국 주식시장에 대해 여전히 낙관적”이라고 말했으며, “러시아는 지금 매우 저평가되어 있어서 러시아 관련 주식을 사고 있다. 특히 농업 관련 주식을 사고 있다”고 말했다.

로저스가 북한에 관심을 보인 게 이번이 처음은 아니다. 로저스는 자신의 책 <스트리츠 스마트>에서 2007년 평양을 방문했다며, 북한은 미얀마와 같이 전기 등 많은 게 부족하지만 이 때문에 투자 기회는 더 많다고 적었다. 
한겨레 조기원 기자 

Jim Rogers: Invest in North Korea, Iran and Russia

Famed investor Jim Rogers has made his fortune several times over by investing where others fear to tread. He's now a fixture on the international speakers' circuit as well as a man in constant demand for his investment tips.

He's nothing if not blunt, but his views have a habit of paying rich financial dividends. CNNMoney recently caught up with Rogers to ask about his latest investment targets, and whether the Singapore-based American would ever consider returning to his home country. The answer, right now, a resounding no. 

What follows is an edited transcript of the conversation. 

Are you still optimistic about China, even as economic growth slows? 

I'm still very bullish. I'm still buying more China stocks as we speak. We are supposed to buy when things are difficult. 

Right now for a variety of reasons the Chinese are trying to encourage their capital markets, the population is pouring into the market, so is the rest of the world and so am I. 

What about the dollar? 

It's my largest currency position, at the moment, but I emphasize at the moment. 

I own a lot of dollars and have done for the last couple of years, but it has gone straight up. Anything that goes straight up you have to start worrying about. 

People perceive the dollar as a safe haven. It's astonishing that the biggest debtor nation in history is going to have a bubble in its currency. 

What about Russia? 

Russia is the most depressed stock market in the world. It's hated. I'm buying Russian shares. I recently bought into agriculture, I'm the director of a fertilizer company. I bought some Russian government bonds -- in rubles. Since the ruble collapse, interest rates are very, very high. 

Where else are you looking? 

I'm not buying oil, even though it's depressed. I'm not buying gold and silver, even though I will eventually. 

I'm buying markets that are depressed. China is down 40% from its all-time high, Japan is down 50% from it's all time high. Places you could also look now are Iran, some African countries and Kazakhstan. They are not big markets and they are just starting to open up and change. 


Jim Rogers would invest in Kim Jong Un's North Korea, but not his predecessors'.


Would you buy North Korea? 

Yes! I'm very excited about North Korea. If I could put all of my money into North Korea, I would. Massive changes are taking place there. I would not have invested in Kim Jong Un's father or grandfather by any stretch of the imagination, but that's like saying that in 1980 you shouldn't invest in China because of Mao Zedong. 

Mao was dead and Deng Xiaoping was making huge changes. They are making huge changes in North Korea. The kid is making astonishing changes. 

Will you ever move back to the U.S.? 

When I go to New York I'm so happy that I live in Asia. New York is a third world city, with a third world airport and a third world tax. 

Living in Singapore compared to living in New York? Living in Hong Kong compared to Chicago? No I don't miss it. I'm still an American citizen, an American taxpayer, an American voter, but I'm glad I live here in Asia. 


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